Zen For Living
Updated Nov. 3, 2024 Please click "Blog" for my art icles
"When I started working with Karen I was barely able to walk. Many months of chronic global pain and headaches had rendered me virtually immobile, and I was rarely able to leave the house. My doctor was at a loss for what was wrong with me and had me taking painkillers to cope.
I have always been incredibly sensitive and Karen recognised my pain and discomfort was largely a result of EMF exposure. Relief came soon after implementing Karen's regime and making her recommended changes in my home. Topical oil or oregano, magnesium cream, turmeric blend capsules, and structured water helped me to reduce the inflammation in my body, and subside the pain. The introduction of the Universal Foot Reflex Zones has proven to be especially helpful, particularly when I experience pain from long flights or train rides. A quick self reflexology session always alleviates pain and I enjoy keep up with a daily practice to maximise the effects. Karen and her incredible "Desert Island Solutions" gave me my life back, and I will be forever grateful."
Helen B. Age 50, Toronto
Beginning November 2024 I will be donating 100% of my 2 on line services to Animal Love Shelter, Costa Rica.
Animal love is a no kill shelter supplying food, shelter, medical care including physio therapy, and love, to almost 2,000 abused, neglected, and unwanted domestic animals of Costa Rica. They began about 20 years ago when a group of 15 young people were visiting Costa Rica, and were dismayed at the conditoion and neglect of the domestic animals, who receive ZERO governmental support. They retured to Costa Rica and set up Animal Love with a hotel – today you can visit as a volunteer, and receive accommodation and 3 vegan meals per day in exchange for 8 hours/day helping with the animals. The Effects of COVID hit them hard – no one came to the hotel, plus the number of animals in the shelter skyrocketed. I am donating my unique and valuable services to help their work continue in these financially challenging times, to the animals can live the good lives they deserve in a healthy, loving environment.
It's a WIN WIN for both you and the animals! You will discover your personal priorities to (1.) elevate your own health and wellbeing, (2.) optimise your home environment. Sessions for each on WhatsApp are $100. for a 1hr+ session, or $135. for the session plus the priority Essence (See blog Gemstone and Green Essences) OR Gemstone bracelet (See Blog Semi Precious Stones), mailed directly to you.
EMAIL info@zenforliving.com to set up an appointment! Payment is directly to:
Two types of "Optimisation Consultations" are available on WhatsApp:
1. "Personal Health and Lifestyle Coaching" to optimise your health and wellbeing:
I use my 28 years of PKP kinesiology experience working remotely on video with you to identify the priority stressors you are exposed to, and how you can best to mitigate them to elevate your personal health. This could include today’s top stressors including EMF/Blue light exposure, microbiome, mitochondrial health, and geopathic stress – we use only natural techniques, and there may be some dietary tweaks or occasional supplement suggestion for you to check with your doctor. These environmental factors can result in symptoms of many of today’s chronic complaints and illnesses. I help you to find the root cause.
(See my blog article “Desert Island Solutions”. )
2. “Beyond Feng Shui” Consultation for optimizing your Home environment.Clearing and Energising your living space is a form of holistic health care – often overlooked and can be life changing. Old energetic imprints in the home can keep us in a state of stress, and stuck in old patterns. Wireless radiation is also now a more significant consideration than ever before and affects us on many levels, but is relatively easy to mitigate in most cases. Basic Feng Shui principles, and geopathic stress can also be a factor.
We work over video (such as WhatsApp) to tour your home, and discuss the priority issues. We first clear stressful energies using basic, simple, and natural techniques, including some Feng Shui principles. See my blog artice “Home and Office Energy Medicine”, for more information. Our goal here is:
- Create a healthy, high vibrational and supportive home environement . You home feels lighter, freer, happier… Feel more relaxed!
- Raise your energy levels, support your familty’s health, wellbeing, goals, and relationships
- Freshen and improve the feel of your home with little or no redecorating!
A NOTE TO REALTORS: Our homes retain varying levels of stressors which affects the the way a home feels and first impressions to perspective buyers. See your properties faster!Payment is made directly to: Animal Love, Costa Rica https://animallove.cr/donations/

Karen Unsworth Berger B.A.A. (Interior Design), T.F.H.
Education: BAA Interior Design (Toronto), Touch For Health & PKP Kinesiology (Edinburgh), Feng Shui (Budapest), Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto (Gr. 10 piano/vocal)
- Karen's unique blend of formal education in design, holistic health, music, and a lifelong natural sensitivity to environmental energies, have given her the training, skills, and experience to create a truly effective system of space clearing and enhancement.
- We call this process "energy staging", using a variety of techniques, materials, and accents to clear, then increase the energy of the space.
- Feel the immediate shift, and experience fast results.
Optimising health and vitality through natural principles, and creating home environments supporting the health, wellbeing, and success of the residents.

This is Zen, in Luxembourg... my doggy love and inspiration. .

In Person Service for Realtors Within the GTA
On site service, $180. (includes the loan and instalation of over $300. of enhancement accents until the property is sold.)

In Person Homeowners Within the Toronto area
On site service. Includes 1 or 2 mitigation products, as needed. $225. Inquiries or booking, info@zenforliving.com

On line service for Realtors and Homeowners Outside the Toronto Area
Via What's App. $100, direct donation to Animal Love, Costa Rica. To book, contact me at

In Person and
On Line "Health and Lifestyle Coaching"
On line $100. direct donation to Animal Love Costa Rica.
In Person in the Toronto GTA at your location, $180.

Karen is a breath of fresh air. She has helped me with her Zen For Living method on several homes that were "stuck" and were sitting on the market for no apparent reason. She recommended some subtle changes and immediately the home would feel lighter and the homes sold shortly after.
- Anna Oliver, Anna Oliver Group, Sotheby's Canada
After years of trouble sleeping and feeling sluggish during the day, we made some modifications to my bedroom and working area. Now I am able to rest and my energy is noticeably different! Karen is very professional and I trust her guidance 100%.
Sandra Saenz, Homeowner Phoenix Arizona
"Karen used her Zen for Living "Energy Staging" method in a few What's App sessions to help me sell my flat fast. It was fun and amazingly easy. My 2 neighbours' identical flats had already been on the market for 8 and 11 months - mine sold before theirs in 6 weeks, to the 2nd person that saw it!
Ashleen, Homeowner, Luxembourg EU
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Call or email us for your first free 15 minute phone consultation to assess your needs.