Gemstone and Green Essence Collection
March 16, 2024

BY Karen Unsworth Berger BAA, TFH
Green and Gemstone essences are a powerful vibrational medicine. You may be familiar with the Bach Flower Remedies, or "Rescue Remedy".. these are along the same lines except much more suited for today's issues. Essences can be compared to vibrational pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Everything has a vibration, and a certain essences (or "remedies"), for example amethyst essence which energetically supports structure and preciseness on all levels, may have the vibrational piece that you are either missing or could use more of, if you are healing from a physical event. When you apply that essence, that piece snaps almost immediately into place. Homeopathy is another example of vibrational medicine - gemstone essences are diluted down in a similar way and become stronger with the dilutions up to a point. Chroma therapy is also vibrational medicine, using the frequencies of colour, or infra red, or ultra violet light, etc. Essences can have very different, and often more powerful properties than if one wears or places the physical gemstone, or eats the herb.
QUICK REFERENCE: How to prepare your essence
The Combination Essences or Single essences are available in both 30ml "Dose Bottles", which are ready to use, or in the Mother bottles which you dilute yourself. The Dose bottle may be a good solution if you would just like to try out the essences first before getting the single essence set, however it is much more economical to make your own dose bottles. You can also make your own combinations from the single essence set.
The single essences come singly or in a set. To make your own Dose bottle, Just add a total of 7 drops to a 30ml prepared bottle containing brandy as a preservative, and pure water. The mother bottle should last many years as the bottles contain about 365 drops!.. This is the most cost efficient way for you to use the essences. You can easily make your own combination essences from this set - see formulas below under "Combination Essences".
You will need:
- sterilized glass dropper bottle (boil 1 minute). Find in health food stores, or where essential oils are sold.
- quality brandy (I use VSOP St. Remy)
- filtered water or bottled spring water (from a glass bottle).
- optional - dishwasher clean or sterilised pyrex measuring cup - personally I have a tiny 20ml cup that I use and can pour from it directly into the Dose bottle.
Measure the drops carefully.....
To make a 30ml Dose bottle: To the measuring cup, add10ml brandy (2 tsp), 20ml filtered water (4 tsp), and 7 drops from your Mother bottle. Pour into your sterilised 30ml dropper bottle.
If you have a smaller 15ml Dose bottle: To the measuring cup, add 5ml brandy, 10ml water, 4 drops Essence from your mother bottle. Pour into your sterilised bottle. (If making combinations from your own set, use a 30ml Dose bottle.)
NOTE: Glass dropper bottles are usually available in health food stores, or stores that sell essential oils. You can also re-use any glass dropper bottles you may already have - just be sure if it has contained essential oils that it is absolutely oil and scent free - clean inside with soap, then sterilise.
These essences are easily contaminated if droppers are touched to the skin - this is the reason I like to use the dropper inserts for the Mother bottles - since they last many years, there is a higher risk of contamination over time . When you finish a bottle, it's best to boil the empty Dose bottle to sterilse it before refilling, just to be sure.
How to apply or use the essences
- Instructions for use are generally the same for all essences with a few additions. Using your Dose bottle, apply 6 drops inside one wrist, then rub the other wrist on top or wrists together, 2 x day, morning and night. They can be used indefinitely or as necessary. I suggest leaving the essences in the bathroom with your toothbrush. and apply them when you wake up and go to sleep. They work very quickly so will not "wash off" in the shower. Keep them away from electronics, cell phones etc.
- Amethyst essence may also be used in a spray bottle as a Feng Shui remedy, to clear your living space. Add 30 drops from your dose bottle to 1 cup filtered water, and spray around your home. More details on this under "Amethyst Essence", below.
- Cypress Cone essence can give you an extra boost if used on Foot Zone 5B on the outside of the foot - it runs a few inches down from behind the ankle to the sole of the foot. Rub the essence over the whole area behind the heal to be sure you cover the right area.
EXTRA NOTE For those with EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity)
For optimal support against the effects of manmade EMF/Radiation there is a simple protocol that can be done to help increase tolerance to EMF. See my article "The Natural EMF Protocol" for more information.
- Micro biome Optimisation (see my blog article)
- Turmeric Blend (see Natural EMF protocol article.)
- Essences: consider Oregano, Electro Blend, Tech Blend, LED and Blue Light Blend, Micro biome blend, Lavender, Endocrine Blend. Regeneration blend
- Body Polarity: (see blog article Desert Island Solutions) This correction is ofter referred to at K27's (27th point on the kidney meridian), or "Hitch hiker thumbs"
- Walk outdoors 10 minutes early in the morning to benefit hormone balance with exercise and natural light.
- Wear only natural fiber clothing (leather included) - especially avoid polyester and acrylic. (Nylon is acceptable.)
The Green Essences
Banyan Tree essence
Cypress Cone essence
Dale's Silver Maple
Lavender flower
Rose of Melissa
Sage (green and purple)
Gemstone Essences
Green jade
Essence Blends
Enviro Detox
LED and Blue Light
Low energies detox
Micro biome
Mould Exposure Blend
Tech Blend
The Green Essences
The green essences are made from powerful plants and trees.. The Rose of Melissa (2004) and Banyan Tree (2021) are my original essences.
Banyan Tree Essence
The Banyan Tree is also known as "The Tree of Life". I made this essence in San Diego California when visiting a friend. She brought me to a grove of magnificent trees on the waterfront where she like to sit - I did not know what they were at the time, but just sitting under them was a wonderful experience. They turned out to be Banyan Trees. The energy from the trees was remarkable, so, looking for a way to bring them home with me, I made the essence from the tremendously powerful, freshly dropped Banyan tree leaves. It was interesting that leaves taken from the tree did not work as an essence - the leave had to have gone through their life cycle, and be freshly dropped.
Use 6 drops inside the wrists, 2 x day.
Unique energetic properties of Banyan Tree Essence include:
- Organs: Energetically aligned to bladder and brain
- supporting the body's physical happiness and balance
- Longevity
- inspiration
- not judging yourself or resenting others, progressing spiritually
- when positive diet changes are made and toxic substances such as gluten and alcohol are eliminated, gives support and power to the body to move forward.
- detox the heavy metals energetic imprint remaining after heavy metals detoxing. Use 3 x day for 3 days, then 2 x day for 4 weeks. Sources of heavy metals include past or present dental work, diet (including commercial breakfast cereals), some lipsticks, dark chocolate, air and water pollution. Speak to your health professional regarding physically detoxing the body from heavy metals - this can include taking chlorella and/or cilantro (including fresh organic cilantro chopped into meals), along with activated charcoal.
- physical resoluteness, strength
- stabilising emotions
- endocrine system balance (use with Turquoise essence), or use after any shock to the system
- inner direction
- immune system support (use extra after exposure to illness/viruses etc)
- mitochondrial energetic support through assimilation of ultra violet, near infra red, and other beneficial wavelengths from sunlight
- being tapped in, tuned in to Divine energy, oneness, feeling connected
- boldness, strength to overcome
- decisiveness (for the body achieving a goal such as regeneration or healing - staying focused) Also for mental focus and ability to resolve situations.
- Security on all levels, feeling secure about your abilities
Apply 6 drops inside the wrist (rub wrists together) 2 x day for 1 week. Repeat every few months.
Chive Essence
- Stabilise and balance the body's electrical fields
- Energetic electrical balance: releasing an excess of positive ions to achieve optimal balance with negative ions (we can accumulate excess positive ions from EMF)
- Re-building from past stressful habits such as substance abuse
- overall/general detoxification from chemicals from both environment and diet
- significant support against radiation exposure
- Spiritual strength - independent thinking for one's self and not being swayed by crowd fever
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day indefinitely
Cypress Cone Essence (Italian)
On a recent trip to Italy I came across a powerful mature Cypress tree in the front garden of an old monastery. (See image.) There were many beautiful Cypress tress, most of them loaded with young cones, but I was drawn to this specific tree numerous times, and realised it had excellent energetic properties to make an essence from it's cones. It is from the area of Pozzalengo, Garda, in northern Italy. So far I have identified properties of this essence on several levels.
- peace
- optimism on all levels
- being aligned with one's life purpose.
- support against current mould exposure (Note: mould in the home is forbearing and devastating, and must removed), especially where breathing congestion is a symptom
- energetically support the confidence of the gut / large intestine microbial balance
- energetically support the digestive system and increase tolerance to wireless radiation
- spiritual energy clearing to make room for new experiences and spiritual growth.
- spiritual lightness and wisdom
- energetically neutralizing to the emotion of anger, replacing it with productive thoughts
6 drops 2 x day inside the wrists for 1 week. 4 drops on the thymus gland 2 x day for 1 week.
Repeat approximately every 3 months.
"Alignment with one's life purpose" is a different application. Apply 4 drops to Zone 4 (arch area of both feet), every morning for 1 week. Repeat this monthly.
Dale's Silver Maple
This powerful tree was home to owls and squirrels - a majestic (approx.) 75 year old tree with a circumference of approx. 12 feet, in it's prime, and a landmark in the neighbourhood. Trees have a spirit as well, different from ours, but still part of the whole. I grew up with this tree across the street, and have always been in awe of it's beauty and feeling of strength. I have named the essence "Dale's Silver Maple", because the essence is unique tree - Dale was the original owner of the house, and resided there for over 70 years. He cherished the tree...
I don't believe the new owners of the property understood what they were actually doing to both their property and the neighbourhood when they asked the city to remove this magnificent, high vitality tree which had sheltered and protected their home from blazing sun, snow, and rain for 75 years. The cutting stopped part way through after an active owls nest was discovered - an endangered species therefore its habitat could not be removed. The tree also houses several squirrels nests. All of the tree's leaves were removed in that cutting, and the 5 huge main boughs remain. However, the tree showed great resilience, power, and determination despite the extent of devastation inflicted upon it. 2 months later, large clumps of small branches began to grow from the ends of 2 of the boughs. Sadly it is scheduled to be removed next month in November - I felt I had to make an essence so that it's unique and powerful "spirit energy" of the tree could live on, and others around the world could receive the benefit.
- strengthening energy for the lungs
- wisdom
- resilience and power
- ability to focus on what is important despite what is going on around you, or events
- defusing anger
- love and warmth, giving
Apply 6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day.
Excellent for the bath when needed - add 30 drops from the dose bottle to warm bath water.
- Support lung energy, micro biome, and overall physical energy recovering from past (including decades old) smoking, 2nd hand smoke, chemical, and mould exposures.
- reduce forbearing effects of blue light exposure
- Balancing and clearing lung energy from past environmental stress
- Support calm, stable heart energy when exposed to man made radiations and stress
- Calming the negative response to EMF, chemicals, moulds and other environmental factors
- Energetic overall healing from past radiation exposure
6 drops inside wrist 2 x day for 1 week. Repeat 1 week per month indefinitely or as needed.
EXTRA: for blue light exposure, apply 2 drops on fingertips and massage on forehead/between eyebrows
Lovage Essence
Lovage is a common culinary garden herb, easy to grow (by the fall, it grows 6' tall!), and historically is a powerful medicinal herb. It's leaves look similar to celery leaves. Energetically, it is especially supportive against man-made EMFs and radiations, and is the first ingredient in the "Electro Blend", below. It is not as well know as many other garden herbs, and not so easy to buy in fresh or dried form, so I made this essence from my own lovage lovage bush.
Make your own electro blend with mother bottles as directed below under Essence Blends, or use separately for the following situations, 4 drops inside the wrist, 2 x day. It extreme situations use 3 x day.
It's priority energetic benefits are:
- Organs: Energetically aligned to the heart and lungs
- Joyfulness, happiness - staying in joy regardless of the circumstances
- self confidence
- supports sobriety
- supports the lymphatic system
- Energetic support recovering from mould exposure
- Connection to Divine energy - staying connected
- Energetically counteracts negative effects from man made EMF and radiations
- Balancing for the nervous system
- Addictions and sobriety : Helps to energetically stay on track in challenging situations
- Helps the body maintain a healthy energetic blueprint
- Energetically helps the DNA remain true to their original youthful/accurate structure, therefor could be helpful against energetic causes of aging.
- Strengthens the energy field of the body
- Helps relieve mental stress
- Transformation: getting over a difficult situation and moving forward
6 drops, 2 x day inside wrist
Oregano Essence
- energetically revitalising mitochondria in general
- support recovery from past nutritional deficiences
- support against typical radiation exposure (ionizing, non ionizing, cell phones, smart meters, smart appliances, wireless technology etc.), helping the body cope..
- Healing from past typical radiation exposure
- enhancing near infra red energy absorption from sunlight
- some support against negative effects of mould (See "Mould Exposure Blend")
6 drops 2 x day inside wrist, especially if you will be in the sun and support the benefits of sunlight. Use indefinitely. Use if you are on the computer a lot - also use "LED and Blue Light Blend" inside the wrists and between the eyebrows, for computer related eyestrain, and "Tech Blend" for wifi/wireless exposure. Use especially after exposure to daylight. (Note it is best to use Blue Blocker glasses at the computer, which have orange lenses.)
NOTE: This essence would be beneficial to virtually everyone as support for today's high tech/high radiation environment.
Parsley Essence
- detoxification in general
- Clearing accumulated electrical charge in the body (from typical electricity and wiring)
- May energetically neutralise the vibrational frequency of cancer cells
- Increasing the energy of the body to detox
Rose of Melissa Essence
This is by far my oldest essence and the only flower essence in this collection. It was made from a strong and hardy antique climbing rose bush that my grandfather had brought my parents from Scotland as a tiny clipping in 1949. That original climbing bush has thrived ever since that time.
In 2004 a rose appeared at the top of the bush, completely out of season. I had a strong attachment to a feral cat who we "adopted" in Budapest, and named "Melissa". We had a neighbour feed her when we were away. She passed away when we were home in Toronto that year, and I perceived this out of season rose as a sign from her as it appeared about the time of her passing. It was my first ever inspiration to make an essence, and many of it's properties are spiritual.
Unique properties of Rose of Melissa include:
- Organs: supports gall bladder and kidney energy
- Spiritual power, being on top, clear, permanent connection with the Divine
- Inner direction - moving forward spiritually, in career, overall progress
- For those facing the death of a loved one, OR (humans or pets) transitioning from life to the afterlife
- balancing the low vibrational frequency of man made radiation, stress, toxic foods, medication, chemical exposure, moulds
- resourcefulness, finding ways to cope with change
- supportive and balancing for micro biome energy
- not judging yourself or others
- acts as a protective shield around the body against "low energies", not getting caught up in fear or negative mass consciousness. (Use with Green Jade for Low Energies Detox Blend.)
- Spiritual growth in the future
- Clearing emotional distress
- listening to your intuition
- Physical: Lymphatic system support
- Calming for distress or hostility on any level (emotional, chemical, etc.)
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day.
Sage (green and purple)
- energetic detoxification from environmental heavy metals (ie air pollution/geo engineering)
- increased capacity to cope with environmental heavy metals and moulds
- increase the body's abilty to target nutrients where they are most needed
6 drops inside the wrist, 2 x day indifinitely
Stinging Nettle Essence
This essence appears to work on several energetic levels - physical, mental, social, and spiritual. It is part of the Enviro Detox Essence. 6 drops inside the wrists 2 x day
- Organs: Energetically supports energy of bladder, liver, pancreas, kidney
- Energetically protective to heart and pancreas from chemical exposure
- The dominant area is in relation to chemical exposure, past and present, both heavy exposure in the past, and passive every day chemicals we are all exposed to. Use 4 drops inside wrist 2 x day.
- It may also be effecting for aging/sagging skin typically found on older individuals on the stomach, face and neck areas. Sprinkle into the palm and quickly rub hands together and pat these areas. It is important to do it quickly as essence frequencies are absorbed within seconds and you want to be sure it gets where it's needed.
- Irritability in general (physical, mental, spiritual
- Firmness and strength (physical energy as in skin etc., mental)
- Decisiveness in body and thought
- Energetically supporting iron absorption
Gemstone Essences
Amethyst Essence (made also with clear quartz): the master healing essence for body and mind
Some remedies include the same benefits as others - properties marked with a star are the most powerful properties specific to Amethyst essence. One very special property of Amethyst is the energy of "organisation, strength, and structure". This could be on a physical level supporting the healing process, or on a mental level helping one to think in an orderly, logical way.
Dark purple Amethyst in itself is one of the most "stable" stones... it does not need to be continuously cleaned and cleared as most other stones do.
- The Unique vibrational properties of Amethyst Essence energetically support:
- Organs: best support for small intestine energy, supports heart energy
- restoration and structure on all levels - helps the body maintain or get back to it's optimal blueprint
- support in eliminating bad habits (smoking, drinking, foods/sugar, procrastination, etc)
- Focus and organisation (ie. if you have a project or presentation to complete)
- raise your vibration: rising above the effects of low energies
- release stored low energies from the body (use 3 x day for 3 days, then 2 x day)
- tolerating stress from bad Feng Shui such as clutter or other Feng Shui principles
- Energetic support for short term memory and mental sharpness
- use ongoing for typical every-day chemical exposure
- maintaining body balance after chemical exposure (could be as simple as going into dollar stores and breathing chemical laden air for a few minutes, or low air quality days)
- confidence on physical, mental level
- energy supporting precise and accurate DNA replication, including support against negative impact of microwave radiation
- may energetically support fertility and/or reproductive organ energy after menopause (which may often be related to high EMF environment - in which case use with Aquamarine - see below under "Electro Blend".)
- environmental stress of any kind - use with Aquamarine
- optimistic, positive energy
- helps the body cope with low/stressful environmental energies, as well as allergens
- While recovering from any kind of illness or surgery, fractures, accident, or emotional stress etc.
- supports "togetherness", physically in rebuilding after extreme stress, surgery, illness or accident, all systems of the body working together for repair and regeneration, and mentally, for example after a disagreement or misunderstanding with a loved one.
- nerve inflammation such as sciatica, prickling in the hands, etc.
- spiritual advancement
- support ability to absorb energy from natural light
Other energetic properties of Amethyst essence:
- heart energy
- supports the body against infections, inflammation
- assimilation of nutrients from foods and supplements, using them optimally
- clear old stress on all levels, including past drugs/medication, EMF, chemical, and/or mould exposure, stressful events or experiences, phobias
- clear karmic debt
- supports and increases heart energy
- supports rational thinking, order in the mind if overwhelmed or a lot going on (for those whose brain is "normal" - not specifically for diagnosed conditions such as dementia, depression etc) Use 3 x day if under a lot of extra stress/pressure
- spiritual playfulness, lightness of spirit
Aquamarine Essence (with clear quartz) - EMF support, skin rejuvenation, relaxation
Aquamarine is a powerful essence, and has several very unique energetic properties specific to itself..
- Organs: best support for heart energy, supports kidney energy
- increasing tolerance to typical manmade EMF and radiations, past and present effects
- rejuvenating for skin energy
- Supports balanced heart energy
- Ability to assimilate nutrients in general (digestion, through the skin, from sunlight, essential oils, topical supplements such as magnesium etc.)
- Relieves mental stress and anxiety
- calming anger and grief
- hormone balance, de-stressing for the body
- relaxing - supports healthy cortisol levels
- nervous system
Use 6 drops inside wrist 2 x day indefinitely (or use indefinitly in Electro Blend)
Use 30 drops from your "Dose Bottle" in the bath. You can use it along with 2 cups Epsom Salts, but not with essential oils as they are not compatible with essences.
Fluorite Essence (made also with clear quartz)
- The Unique vibrational properties of Fluorite Essence energetically supports:
- Organs: best support for large intestine and skin energy
- bone, teeth, and cartilage health and rejuvenation
- bothersome scars (use inside the wrist as usual - not on the scar)
- confidence, knowing you can do it
- joint inflammation
- works with aquamarine to protect bone/teeth/cartilage energy from EMF/radiation and other environmental exposures, including moulds (including dampness outdoors in nature)
- may help to regulate VGCCs (voltage gated calcium channels) to stop them from opening and allowing too much calcium to enter cells when exposed to EMF and EDC's (endocrine disrupting chemicals)
- increase tolerance to outdoor allergens such as pollen, moulds, or other immune system stressors
- detoxification: general, physical and/or emotional
- environmental allergies
- Protection from absorbing low energies (use with Green Jade)
- Decisiveness
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day
Green Jade
- Organs: Pancreas, and best energetic support for the gallbladder
- detoxification, stabilising and balancing after something like mould exposure
- soothing on all levels
- positivity for the future
- energetically increase strength/confidence on a physical level (including immune)
- supportive after mold or other environmental exposure (use for 3 wks)
- Physical: the body focusing it's energy on regeneration
- Mental: regenerating relationships
- Resolute
- soothes bitterness
- energetically supports arthritic joint rejuvenation (especially fingers), including lower back vertebrae such as L5s etc.
Use 6 drops inside wrist 2 x day
Optionally add 30 (dose bottle) drops to warm bathwater.
The unique vibrational properties of turquoise essence include:
- Organs: best support for muscle energy, supports heart energy
- aging related regeneration (systematic)
- energy of the eyes
- nervous system: reduce accumulation of past adrenal stress, release present day stress
- rising above low energies, staying clear, buoyancy
- detoxing from chemicals including synthetic fabrics, mould. (A component of Enviro Detox blend.)
- mental cleansing
- mental calmness and balanced perspective, regardless of the situation
- anti-inflammatory
- healthy slim weight, metabolic energy
- memory in a healthy person, more clear and sharp,
- support metabolism
- supports rejuvenation, and repair from issues such as broken bones, sprains, burns, bruises, oral surgery, mould/chemical exposure, inappropriate diet, etc.
- vision - sharp and clear
- spiritual: being on track with your life's purpose
- Endocrine system balance (see endocrine blend)
- happiness
- moving forward with intention, even though one feels helpless
- rejuvenating
Combination Essences
Scroll to the top of the article for easy instructions on preparing your essences.
Properties and instructions for the Combination Essences are listed under each essence.
Why make your own essences and blends?
- It's cheaper and is an almost endless supply. This is the most cost efficient way to do it instead of purchasing ready to use dose bottles of the blends, or you could purchase 1 pre made Dose bottle and test it out before buying your own Mother bottle. The Mother bottles will last many years (10-15) since it only takes a total of 7 drops to make your Dose bottle (depending on how many people are using it).
- It's easier and quicker to use. By making your own blends, you can cut down the number of bottles you use daily. For example, if you want support in relation to EMF/radiation, you would use 6 drops each of Aquamarine and Fluorite as separate essences. By blending them to make "Electro Blend", you only need 6 drops in total, using half the number of drops.
Allergen essence
Reduce stress from inhaled irritants such as seasonal allergens and chemicals. Supports lung, eyes, and sinus energy when related to allergens or irritants. On a mental level, it may ease the negative impact of actions or events - coping more easily.
- Not only for "allergies", but for anything that your body doesn't like, including chemical or radiation exposures, past or present. Mentally, it may be things that "rub you the wrong way", including "allergy" to people or situations making you feel irritated or annoyed, or lingering effects of news on the media
- May be helpful for those affected during allergy season, or to animals allergies
- support against PAST mould and chemical exposure
- Assist in energetic detoxification from environmental allergens and allergenic foods such as gluten, after they are removed from the diet
- I also use this for intolerance to wheat/bread.
6 drops inside wrist, 2 x day.
Add to a 30ml prepared glass dropper bottle:
3 drops Banyan Tree
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Amethyst
Daylight and Hormone Essence
We receive significant energy from unfiltered daylight/sunlight, and most of us do not receive enough - even if we are in a bright space, glass and sunglasses filters most of the beneficial UV and near infra red rays, as does sunscreen. We receive this benefit even in cold winter climates - it's not related to vitamin D production where the sun must be at a specific angle for the skin to produce vitamin D. We require at least 30 minutes a day of unfiltered sunlight to meet our energetic requirements. This essence energetically supports the photo receptors in cells, which supports hormone balance - especially in specific glands located in the brain - the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus, .
- Energetic support of photo receptors in cells
- Utilising near infra red and ultra violet energy from sunlight/daylight
- Overall energetically balancing for hormones in humans and animals, calming stress. (If using computers extensively, also consider Rose of Melissa, Tech Blend.)
3 drops Banyan Tree
2 drops Turquoise
2 drops Lovage
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day. Use this after spending time in the sun (any time of year)
2 drops on fingertips, apply to forehead and especially between eyebrows
Electro Blend
There are 3 blends which relate to supporting us in today's high tech world... Tech Blend, Electro blend, and LED andBlue Light Blend.. you may wonder what is the difference? They both cover much of the same area but Electro Blend is more about helping us cope with Radio Frequency (RF) radiation and electricity in general, including issues such as appliances, anything plugged in, and even dirty electricity. Tech Blend is more specialised in wireless/microwave radiation. LED and Blue Light Blend is for exposure to excess blue light from LED and fluorescent lighting, and screens of any kind such as TV, computer/monitor, cell phone, and digital displays.
- Exposure to motors (ie. in work, riding a motorcycle, cars)
- Electronics, electricity in general, house wiring/electrical fields, dirty electricity, and EMF's can affect us on all levels from cellular, mental and hormonal function, to our level of happiness or patience. Illness patterns began to change dramatically upon "electrification" during the 1880's.
- clearing of past radiation exposure from all sources which has been stored in the body, May support sleep (when sleep problems are due to this) and release "restless leg", irregular heartbeat, painful nerves and other symptoms of too much electrical exposure. . (NOTE: a warm 15-20 min bath with 2 cups epsom salts may have a similar result.)
- Where fertility is an issue. (Ideally both partners use it.)
- This is also helpful for detoxing from high EMF and chemical exposure or if you know you will be entering a toxic environment, flying, driving, and including certain stores such as dollar shops, clothing, and furniture stores. EMFs and microwave radiations somehow appear to enhance chemical absorption into cells - perhaps because EMF radiation interferes with our anti-oxidant defense system. To support your defense system, avoid chemical laden commercial foods, and eat a predominantly organic diet to avoid more chemicals!. The priority is to consume 3 portions of organic vegetables/day - will work together well with Electro Blend. (Try 1 with breakfast or lunch, and 2 with dinner.) The best include green beans, yams, peas, cabbage, asparagus, bok choy, micro greens, fennel, cooked celery, and boiled carrots.
- EMFs also affect your oral health - teeth and gums tend to become much more sensitive and prone to spreading infection and bacteria. (EMF also supports the growth of bad bacterias.) Personally I have had many problems with tooth infections and gum issues in the past - after a lot of damage was done, I realised it was caused my EMF from my wired headset and microphone (I've been a professional singer/pianist for many years using a lot of electronic equipment.) Oil pulling daily with coconut oil/Himalayan salt supports gum health and reduces teeth sensitivity - I brush with coconut oil/Himalayan salt and my oral health made a complete reversal to extremely good. I have found that Electro Essence supports it on top of that.
- Non native radiation may also be associated with heavy metals in general, opening cell gateways that may allow heavy metals to enter the cell more easily. This includes metal dental work, past and present.
- Clearing stressful energies from the body including non native radiation
- Good Feng Shui can also support EMF tolerance - see my article "Home and Office Energy Medicine". It is incredible how we can lower our stress baseline and increase our EMF tolerance, just by following some of the basics like staying clutter free and clearing stressful energies by regularly spraying your home with vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water), or Amethyst essence (30 drops per 1 cup filtered water) can make a huge improvement especially for those with EHS. It is all "environmental energy", which this group are especially sensitive to. Energising a space with (especially) dark purple amethyst geode pieces, or placing a "garden Buda" outside facing the house, will also work.
Add to a prepared 30ml glass dropper bottle:
3 drops Lovage
2 drops Aquamarine
2 drops Fluorite
Apply 6 drops inside the wrist morning and night.
Enviro Detox
(help to neutralise the frequency of environmental/medical chemicals/drugs, heavy metals. )
Many of us are much more exposed to stressful environmental factors than we realise. This is an energetic detox to eliminate energetic imprints/"memories" produced by physical toxins. It can also help one to bounce back from emotional stress. Physical environmental factors include chemicals, heavy metals, and mould, and energetic residue from medications such as anti-biotics, surgical chemicals, toxic emotions, and every day medications/painkillers etc.
Most of us have more chemical exposure than we realise - If you frequent Dollar Shops or cheap big box stores, most of them have significant off gassing from cheap plastics and fabrics off which you can often smell or even taste even in the store, in combination with LED or fluorescent lighting. (I will not enter these stores more than is absolutely necessary, and I make it quick!) Department chain stores can have a similar issue if they sell a lot of cheaper clothing. Do you ever drink from plastic bottles or handle plastic bags frequently*, such as foods stored in the refrigerator? What kind of household cleaners and personal care products do you use? Have you spent time in a "sick building" with VOC's or around painting? Certain glazes on ceramic tiles may also be toxic. Are you on medications? How is the air quality where you live? Do you sleep on a conventional mattress? (Most commercial mattresses are laden with toxic fire retardants.) These exposures can affect the chemical balance in our bodies and are strongly implicated in long term memory disorders as well as other symptoms.
Personally, I had VOC exposure for a few days that caused my lungs to burn. My natural MD put me on 3 x NAC a day which helped the physical detoxification, but a stressful energetic toxicity in my lungs remaining. (Later I found that Lavender Essence would relieve this stress.) I was overly sensitive to any type of chemical exposure, such as the smell of paint.
Since illnesses begin on an energetic level, it is vital to clear
these energetic patterns to truly recover.
Like EMF and heavy metals, mould, and chemicals can also impact our levels of "Joy" or spirituality.
Mould exposure is common especially in the home such as bathrooms and under mats, attics/basements, and from poor ventilation (watch for this in the homes of older people - it can be associated with memory and skin issues). These past exposures may have been cleared and mitigated long ago, but there will likely still be an energetic "imprint" or trace remaining the body's energy field which can be helped with Lavender Essence.
Ask your health professional about supplements for physical detoxification. Note that proper hydration supports detoxification - typically 1 1/2 - 2L water/day (1/2 hr away from meals as it dilutes beneficial stomach acid required for good digestion):
- Chemicals: NAC, vitamin C, and Quercetin, Chloropyll, Activated Charcoal
- For heavy metals including aluminum: Also ask your doctor about taking chlorella and fresh or dried organic cilantro, Activated Charcoal
- Insecurity: This is often the body's emotion after exposure to chemicals and heavy metals - it feels "insecure", but Enviro Blend is also good for mental insecurity - for example when one is insecure in a relationship such as "Post Infidelity Stress Disorder", where one partner may feel insecure due to a past situation, or problems in past relationships. Use with Low Energies Detox blend.
Use 6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day for at least 3 weeks, longer if desired. You can also use Electro Blend at the same time, for chemical exposure.
Add to a 30ml prepared glass dropper bottle:
3 drops Turquoise
2 drops Stinging Nettle
2 drops Amethyst
*Note that water filters such as Santévia are an excellent option. Most filters are made from stable plastics and the water is not sitting long enough to leach chemicals. Your water bottle should ideally be glass.
Freedom Essence
I recently created this combination for a friend's daughter who was struggling with a genetic tendency for addiction, to help her break the pattern and start fresh. Substance abuse is a low vibration, and these 3 powerful essences combined help to raise the vibration so the person may not be as attracted any more. It can also be helpful for example, with women who always seem to attract abusive men, charlatans, or other undesirable characteristics. It helps to remove the vibration from the energy field which attracts these types. It can also be useful for breaking most types of negative cycles.
- Higher vibration
- strength to make positive changes
- Forgetting about past bad habits and patterns, starting fresh - turning over a new leaf
- Freedom from addictions such as sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, and other sabotaging habits.
- Lifting depression
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Rose of Melissa
2 drops Banyan tree
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day as long as needed
LED and Blue Light Blend
- Eyestrain from looking at the computer or phone screen and TV
- LED and fluorescent lighting, and blue light exposure in general.
- Supporting eye energy in the presence of blue light
- lung energy support
NOTE: It is ideal to wear Blue Blocker (orange lensed) glasses to protect eyes and brain from blue light frequencies. It is perhaps not feasible to wear orange lenses glasses ALL the time (such as in shopping malls) so this essence is designed for extra support when glasses are not being worn. As also mentioned below under Tech Blend, replace LED bulbs with incandescent (now called "appliance bulbs") or halogen which have quite a full spectrum. This type of lighting is also especially prevalent in institutions such as retirement homes and hospitals, negatively impacting our most vulnerable.
3 drops oregano
2 drops stinging nettle
2 drops lavender
6 drops inside the wrist, 2 drops on the fingertips then rub into the forehead especially between the eyebrows. Use indefinitely as needed
Low Energies Detox Blend
The purpose of this blend is to release old patterns, neutralise Low Energies, and also release stored Low Energies from your body and energy field - think of it as an "Energetic Detox".
Example: Think of the feeling you get when you walk into an antique store (or very old castle, building, or home, even library),.. there is a heaviness which is caused by low energies emitted from the antiques or books. It just "hangs in the air".. Similar energetic situations occure in our homes - stress from family members, TV/news and TV shows or movies, books, some artwork, older furniture.... Our bodies absorb these low, stressful energies, which can manifest as pain or eventually illness. Note also that if you have had physical injuries or issues, such as sore knee or back, low energies tend to be attracted to these less resilient areas. Even if you do not have past injuries, Low Energies are naturally attracted to the energy of the heart and brain. Or, you may have tendencies to fall in to destructive patterns or relationships.
- releasing self destructive sabotages from the energy field - transition to better habits
- seasonal allergies - releasing the "imprint" from last year's pollen or mould (fall) season to stop the cycle
- after we suffer emotional trauma or shock, such as loss of a loved one
- Clearing the body of low energies which may be causing negative patterns to persist
- watching or listening to the news or negative shows or movie
- "mass consciousness" depending what is going on in the world at the time - politics, wars, news etc.
- picking up and absorbing negative emotions or feelings not your own
- affects 99+% of homes I have worked with - stressful energies are absorbed by porous surfaces in the home such as natural wood furniture and fabrics. They are produced by books, art, TV content, stressful music, and the emotions of the residents of the home (as well as guests). Note: homes are VERY easy to clear with a simple spray. Add 30 drops Amethyst dose bottle essence in 1 cup filtered water. (See my article "Home and Office Energy Medicine - Beyond Feng Shui, for spraying instructions.)
For extra support in clearing low energies from your home and body:
- Open windows every morning, in minus temperatures it only needs about 5 seconds. Spray your home (in rooms that do not have a window or are far from a window) at least weekly with vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water) to clear low energies.
- Mitigate EMF radiation (ie cell and cordless phones, routers, wifi, computers)
- NOTE: vitamin C with natural source supports recovery from issues caused by low energies (I use 1500 mg/day/3 capsules of organc Camu Camu supplement.
- Low Energies can also cause a micro biome/gut imbalance, I believe because they create stress on the mitochondria, which are then not able to produce energy needed to create an anaerobic environment in the large intestine. (the good gut micro biome is killed off by oxygen). So be aware of this and take a good probiotic, and eat probiotic foods daily such as goat's milk yoghurt, goat's milk kefir, real sauerkraut, certain cheeses such as pecorino (sheep cheese), goat's milk gouda, and goat's milk mozarella. Poor gut micro biome is also connected to brain health and a joyful outlook on life.
Add to a 30ml prepared glass dropper bottle:
4 drops Green Jade
3 drops Rose of Melissa
Use 6 drops inside the wrist (then rub wrists together for a few seconds) 2 x day morning and night, indefinitely.
Mould Sensitivity Blend
- Outdoor seasonal mould such as wet or degrading leaves in autumn, or long term wet weather.
- General gut microbe imbalance (does not have to be related to mould - it can support healthy gut microbes and discourage the bad)
- indoor mould exposure
- Support for past and present mould exposure, including where breathing is congested or having to blow one's nose more often.
- Vibrationally, it helps to neutralise the vibration of indoor or seasonal outdoor mould. Note that indoor mould is insidious and life threatening, and must be removed. If you suspect you have mould in your home - or a loved one's home - evacuate until it is cleared. (Watch for mould in the homes of the elderly. It can cause Alzheimers like symptoms, and often their sense of smell may no longer be acute enough detect it.)
3 drops Cypress Cone
2 drops Oregano
2 drops Fluorite
6 drops inside the wrist, EXTRA: 2 drops on the fingertips then rub into the forehead especially between the eyebrows. Use indefinitely as needed
Memory Blend
- For those with a diagnosed memory issue
4 drops Banyan Tree
3 drops Aquamarine
6 drops inside wrist 2 x day indefinitely (or as often as possible)
Micro biome essence
Note that micro biome energy is an issue for a high percentage of our population (Dr. Joseph Mercola suggests 99%.) This is mainly the result of processed foods, and past mold and chemical exposure. Use in combination with suggested steps from my blog article, "Micro Biome Optimisation".
- Energising and supportive to beneficial microbes
- Energetically "harmonising" support for overgrowth/past mould and other environmental chemical exposures causing micro biome stress.
- Supporting micro biome recovery after eliminating allergenic foods such as gluten, from the diet.
- Energetically supports only a beneficial microbial balance overall
3 drops Green Jade
3 drops Turquoise
2 drops Amethyst
6 drops drops inside the wrist, 3 x day for at least 3 weeks, then 1 week per month if following a healthy micro biome diet. (if not, use indefinitley)
OFFICE Essence
- High mental stress work environment
- Ease in social situations in general
- stressful interactions with the public and/or co-workers
- support professional relationships with other employees
3 drops Aquamarine
2 drops Chive
2 drops Green Jade
Regeneration Essence
This powerful combination was originally created for an ailing tree, and called "Treegeneration Essence", but I quickly discovered it was just as good for people, pets, and generally anything living! If I went on vacation and could only bring 3 bottles with me, I would bring Regeneration Essence, Electro Essence, and Enviro Detox Essence. If you scroll up to view the powerful properties of both the Banyan Tree Essence ("Tree of Life"), and Amethyst Essence, you can see why this is such a wonderful and unique combination.
- Assimilation on all levels
- Support from present time geopathic stress exposure
- Feeling secure on all levels
- Confidence on all levels
In a 30ml prepared dropper bottle:
3 drops Banyan Tree
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Amethyst
6 drops inside the wrist, 2 x day
Super Immune Support
This essence has an extremely high, purifying vibration, and was created for someone with advanced cancer which had suddenly appeared out of no-where. She had always been strong and healthy so the diagnosis was unexpected. This is the only Combination Essence to date, with more than 7 drops in the dose bottle. (It has a total of 9 drops.)
- Energetic support for Liver and Kidneys
- Energetically strengthening to the immune system through mitochondrial balance. Energetic support against present time pathogens, carcinogenic substances.
- May energetically help to neutralise cancer cells which cannot survive in a high vibrational environment
4 drops parsley
3 drops Banyan tree
2 drops Green Jade
6 drops inside the wrist, 2 x day
Tech Blend
- Exposure to high tech/ microwave radiation: wifi, wireless technology including smart meters, cell phones, bluetooth, cell towers, transportation such as cars, planes, trains, and antennas including clock radios (also use LED and Blue Light Blend for the digital readout - NOTE it is best to remove clock radios and replace with battery or even electric face clock as an alarm clock, or wall clock.)
- I have also noticed from testing, that these invasive stressful frequencies do not support spiritual advancement or connection with "Divine Energy", and can actually lead us away from, and "dull" our spirituality.
- Clear accumulated general stress from past wireless exposure (Parsley essence is specifically to release accumulated electrical charge in the body)
- May be especially valuable for those in institutions such as retirement homes which typically have full wifi along with harmful lighting. Residents may not use computers or I-pads, but have excessive exposure to both wireless and artificial LED and Fluorescent lighting. Note that the best thing you can do for loved ones living in homes (aside from taking them outside for at least 1/2 hour) is change lamp bulbs to incandescent and urge them to always use this light. Incandescent has quite a full spectrum including red and purple wavelength which are the antidote for blue light, and also dilutes LED and fluorescent ceiling lighting.
3 drops Cypress cone
2 drops Aquamarine
2 drops Oregano
6 drops 2 x day inside wrists, 3 drops on fingertips and massage on forehead and between eyebrows , 2 x day
Add 30 drops (approx 2 big "squirts" from you dropper dose bottle) to bath water, ideally with Epsom Salts (unscented)
Transition Essence
Accepting the situation realistically, or for changing situations, and constructively moving forward with clarity - even striving to drop old habits and make positive changes. For example if you have a big transition in your life, perhaps a scary one such as changing jobs, moving, divorce, this blend can help you think clearly and make wise choices in the present and future.
Add to a 30ml prepared glass dropper bottle:
4 drops Banyan Tree
3 drops Turquoise
6 drops inside the wrist 2 x day for at least 4 wks - as long as you feel you need it, or until the transition is completed and you feel settled.