
Microbiome Optimisation - the vital key to health!

May 5, 2024

By Karen Unsworth Berger, BAA, TFH

Summary of Micro Biome Optimisation Protocol

(Listed here for easy reference.  Scroll down for the details.)

1. Nature:  unfiltered sunrise, daylight, CT (cold thermogenesis), water

2. Probiotics - supplement, soil, foods

3. Turmeric Blend and raw honey drink (especially if not seeing the sunrise)

4. Best fiber vegetables

5. Electrical: Grounding and Body Polarity

6. Power Herb Blends (2 blends - one for foods and both as a tea)

7. Chlorophyll (optional in the beginning)

8. Activated charcoal (optional in the beginning)

Disclaimer:  Always check with your health care provider before changing or beginning a supplement routine.  This is article is intended as information - not medical advice. 

Part 1 - About the Micro Biome

Part 2 - 7 Prorities to Fast Track Micro Biome Optimisation


About the Micro Biome...

The micro biome of the general population has never been as compromised as it is today. (Relax - it's normally easy to fix!) 80% of our immune system begins in the micro biome and is responsible for protecting us against todays most predominant diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimers disease, and other neurological conditions.  This is now one of the first things I test for when working with people - Since I started focusing on the micro biome several months ago, I have not found 1 single person with a micro biome life force energy of more than 10%, an the balance of microbes has been off in every case.  However boosting and balancing the micro biome can start today -  it responds quickly.

The most effective and quick method I have found for increasing micro biome energy is CT (Cold Thermogenesis).  Every day, take a cool bath after a hot shower (60-70oF works) for about 4 minutes, or have a hot shower, remove the shower head, and turn it cooler a few times until it is a cool as is comfortable - grimacing is good! Aim the shower head mainly at your thymus and navel area - cold water is also cosmetically beneficial for the skin on your face and neck.  Specifically for the micro biome, you can also get a cold freezer pack - wrap in a cloth, and place over your navel for a few minutes.  I have had to take antibiotics for dental work, and noted no significant change in micro biome energy if vigilant about cold thermogenesis (as well as seeing the sunrise).

There is a great synergy between the micro biome and mitochondrial energy.  They work together, and both must be optimised. Most things that benefit one, benefit the other. 

(See my article on Mitochondria.) 

The micro biome is very much affected by environmental stressors, as well as what you eat.  Our culture and lifestyle today exposes us to multiple stressors that did not even exist, at least on the same scale, before 2005 or so, and were almost non existent before the 1940's.  in a recent interview, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, referred to a German study of 1200 people - 10 years ago a study was done to see how many chemicals were in their system above the detection threshold, and there were 20.  This year it was repeated, and there were OVER 500!  (He and other scientists blame much of this on military geo-engineering, carried out by 42 countries.) 

Other biological stress sources include increased exposure to poor quality industrial/manufactured foods, extremely high PUFA diets (Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids from vegetable and seed oils), medications and anti-biotics both prescribed and in our food, medical treatments such as chemo therapy, fluoridated water, multiple vaccinations (re. heavy metals/toxins) in the children's programmes, more than one mRNA booster, dental issues/infection, substance abuse, chemicals including EDC's (Endocrine Disrupting chemicals such as in plastics/polyester), heavy metals - especially aluminum, moulds, and most recently, the huge stress of increasing man made radiation and EMF exposure.  This all creates more than a perfect storm. 

I have found that those suffering from EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity) have an extremely compromised micro biome originating from previous stressor exposure.  These have devastated their micro biome leaving their immune system totally unable to tolerate today's levels of EMFs, which on their own have a negative impact on the sensitive micro biome .  I have found that we can dramatically increase our tolerance to EMF surprisingly easily and quickly by optimising our immune system through the micro biome.   The priorities are listed below.  

Gut health is directly related to mental/brain health including dementia and depression, and at least 80% of our immune system is dependent on a healthy gut micro biome. Gut health is also directly linked to metabolic health, healthy weight and blood sugar management, and our overall health.  

Any of the above stressors on their own could destroy the balance of healthy gut bacteria and microbes such as Akkermansia, and in some cases wipe out the strain in our gut completely.  These stressors individually can also cause mitochondrial dysfunction - imagine the compounded effect of exposure all at the same time as we have today, often 24/7.   The mitochondria produce the energy required to maintain an anaerobic environment in the large intestine - healthy gut microbes die when in contact with oxygen.  It takes a lot of energy to maintain this environment, and when mitochondrial function is jeopardised, there is there is not enough energy to maintain the environment, and bad microbes proliferate and take over. 

The good news is the gut lining completely regenerates every 3 days, so it responds quickly.

Just be aware and vigilant - make it a priority. 

To make the process easier for your body and create a regenerating environment, you can start today with simple diet modifications, and by reducing your environmental stress level at home.  Consider basic mitigation of EMFs/man made radiation, chemicals in foods or environment, personal care products, home cleaners, plastics, fire retardants in furniture, mattresses including "new care smell", cookware with teflon non stick etc..  More details on this below.

Diet to Support Your Healthy Micro Biome: 

Root out your highest sources of toxic Omega 6 oils/fats

First, get rid of the foods which are most damaging your micro biome.  Surprisingly, the biggest culprit is not processed sugar - BY FAR, it is omega 6 fats/oils found in all cooking oils including sunflower, canola, soy, corn, safflower, etc.  Margarine and crisco are made from these.  We do need a very small amount of these  oils, but that is never an issue as omega 6 is found in virtually everything - even fruits such as watermelon!  In excess as we have today, they are pathogenic and inflammatory, and are a major factor in today's common diseases.   (Luckily the micro biome can recover when these fats are eliminated.)  

Approximately 25% of the calories in our North American diet today are from these oils.  Up to the 1940's or so, they were 2% of our calories. I have tested people after eating these fats and microbiome energy typically drops by 50% due to its toxicity to healthy microbes. People normally do not knowingly choose to consume these bad fats, and often insist they do not eat them.  But then we get into their diets - omega 6's are hidden in SO many food products and they realise that their "healthy" diets are loaded with omega 6. 

Read labels and go through your pantry and fridge - as soon as you see "sunflower oil" or "canola oil" etc. on the label, throw it out or put it back on the store shelf.   Oils are in almost all baked goods except a very very few that may say "all butter" - check labels on muffins and cookies, breads, whole grains, pies, salad dressing, condiments such as mayonnaise, crackers, seeds and nuts, peanut and other nut butters, virtually all processed foods - especially fake non-dairy cheeses and meats, vegan products, and of course all fried foods unless fried in coconut oil or butter. (Make your own baked goods using butter.) Virtually all fast foods and restaurant foods are loaded with bad oils. 

Most exported Italian Olive oil is adulterated with cheap sunflower and other oils - even if labeled organic, thanks to the Italian Agro Mafia.  If you buy very expensive Italian olive oil from a specialty shop it may be safe.  I have found Greek olive oils to be good, and most Spanish. If you think you have a good olive oil but are not sure, add 2 larger sage leaves to the bottle - sage supports the digestion of fats. 

Most surprisingly, the major sources of omega 6 are chicken, pork, and farmed salmon, purely because they are all fed an unsuitable diet of seeds and grains.   Unlike cattle and sheep, they are not able to convert the linoleic acid in their feed to omega 3, therefor their meat is exceedingly high in omega 6 bad fats.  If you have a source where chickens are fed a pastured, grain free diet, their meat will be fine.  Sardines, mackerel, and wild sockeye are high in omega 3 good fats. Most restaurants (including sushi) serve farmed salmon unless stated on the menu. Always ask before ordering. One easy way to identify farmed salmon is the white fat streaks are more pronounced.

The Best Diet for a Healthy Micro Biome! 

You can start today transitioning  to a focused healthy micro biome diet. A healthy balanced diet is priority - stick to high vibrational organic foods, and look for Non GMO labels.  

  • Organic vegetables with the right fiber is number one (it's their fiber that is vital for feeding a healthy micro biome).  The "front line" of fiber vegetables include bok choy, green beans,  yams only if well boiled to remove oxalates, green or red/purple cabbage, celery, onions,  boiled carrots (boiled to remove oxalates), fennel, squash, turnip, asparagus, 1/4 cup peas (frozen are fine), raw radish in salads - 2 medium radishes = 1 portion.  1/4 cup of real sauerkraut = 2 portions as it is a vegetable AND probiotic food. 
  • common organic culinary herbs support the mitochondria, and have compounds beneficial to the micro biome and support the high fiber vegetables - it's helpful to include 1/4 tsp per meal of the herb blend, and add lots of fresh chopped herbs such as lovage, cilantro, sage, parsley, and chives

  • Organic common culinary herbs and Himalayan salt (contains no plastics) can be used as a potent energy booster to power up your meals, and especially as a power tea, warm or cold. I make a 3 cup pot for the day.  See details below under #5. 
  • some fruits (note that if your gut balance is very off you may not be able to tolerate fruit carbs until more balance is achieved) such as tangerine/clementines (not oranges), small amount of blueberries, 1/2 organic banana at a time, mango, watermelon, red grapefruit
  • pastured eggs, beef/veal, lamb, wild low mercury fish such as sardines packed in water, mackerel, anchovies, herring, and occasional wild sockeye salmon
  • good fats such as organic coconut oil for frying, pastured butter or ghee, Greek olive oil (a lot of Italian is adulterated by the Italian Agro mafia).  Use pastured butter in baking, and a small amount of butter or olive oil on vegetables. 
  • some fermented goat's milk products such as kefir and yoghurt, goat's cheese, and some naturally fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and beets, and kimchee.  Make sure your cheeses are made with animal rennet, not "vegetarian", which is a greenwashing term for genetically modified bacteria.  Most commercial cheeses today use this. 
  •  Organic white Jasmine rice does not have a lot of nutrition on it's own but is an excellent starch if your micro biome is reasonably good. Turn a meal into a superfood meal by loading it with optimising vegetables and lots of fresh herbs such as cilantro, lovage, sage,  and the dried herb blend. Avoid whole grains and most grains in general, but for baking, you can substitute light spelt flour for wheat, as it is lower in gluten and easier to digest.  White rice pasta is preferable to semolina wheat, but IF you must deviate for the family, only buy pasta made in Italy, such as De Cecco or Rummo brands.  They are not allowed to use glyphosate as a wheat desiccant before harvest, as is done in North America unless wheat is organic. 

Avoid these foods: 

Avoid chemical and pesticide laden processed foods, GMO foods - look for non GMO labels.  Avoid fast food restaurants and frequent eating out!   The priority is to avoid omega 6 oils as described above.  Read through this list below to see if any of these factors may be relevant for you. 

  • Be aware that more than 1 cup of coffee per day can cause issues in the micro biome in some individuals, and cause weight gain due to blood sugar handling imbalance. If you are used to having 2 cups, replace the 2nd cup with  the micro biome supporting Power Herb Tea Blend below (see #6). Coffee should be organic.  If it is too strong, add a bit of water.
  • conventionally raised meats and animal products (look for pastured or at least organic beef and lamb), as the animals are typically fed antibiotics and GMO foods, which will deplete your micro biome. 
  •  Avoid or minimise all nuts and seeds due to high oxalates and omega 6 fats - nature designed them to have a stressful effect on digestion (they are literally like a "kick in the gut")  If you love nuts, a few walnut halves a day may be acceptable as walnuts are higher in Omega 3 fats. Shelled organic hemp seed is also acceptable as it is also high in Omega 3 - up to 1 T per day. 
  • nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant) as they are toxic, inflammatory, low energy foods despite the fact that they contain some beneficial nutritional elements.  The overall impact is negative.  Of course they contain nutrients, but their "anti nutrients" far outweigh the benefits. 
  • high oxalate foods including nuts and seeds, which can increase gut inflammation and pain. One on the biggest health disasters is the popularity of almond milk, which is very high oxalate.  Two of the highest are spinach and other green leafies, almonds, potatoes, beans/pulses - so are dates, figs, rhubarb.  Boiling high oxalate vegetables well, helps to remove the oxalate as it is water soluble. Yams and carrots are fantastic foods but do contain oxalate - boiling is effective in removing the oxalates. 
  • Sugars: processed foods are typically high in sugars and bad oils.  Avoid hard alcohol and beer.  Quality red wine such as Sardinian wine, is fine in moderation.
  • Follow a low or no gluten diet - light spelt flour is a good alternative to wheat for baked goods - avoid whole grain as the shell of the grain contains omega 6 oils, as well as nature's chemicals that make it indigestible and hard on the gut of predators (including US!).   Most North American non organic wheat contains glyphosate, so if you deviate, eat only ORGANIC wheat products.

Eating Out

You are going to get most of these "baddies" all at once eating in fast food restaurants, so avoid them! Even finer restaurants will have them as they typically offer farmed fish, conventional "CAFO" animal products, and are not organic.  I find that Japanese restaurants often have menus that are quite easy to navigate - just avoid their tempuras and other fried foods - order steamed instead of fried rice, etc. 

It's a VERY prevalent issue today. 

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, by 2018,  97% of the population was metabolically inflexible with a compromised micro biome, which is directly related to metabolism and healthy weight management.  This has to be due to our increased exposure to the above stress factors, and now with 5G and more and more satellites, is may be even a higher percentage than that.  Once your home environment is cleared and supportive, diet is the main factor, and that is very much in your control.

A good indicator is your metabolic flexibility is your body temperature.  It should ideally be "normal" (98.6oF or 37oC).  If it is under, it means your metabolism may be slower, very slightly over is good - meaning your metabolism is burning faster.  Note that mornings the body temperature is a bit lower after resting, so the most accurate time to take it is later in the day.  

Destress your home environment - create a sanctuary!  

You can start on a micro biome friendly diet today, but for better, faster results, at the same time look around your personal environment and begin simple mitigation to remove the most common stress factors as much as possible.  Also if your car has a "new car smell", this can indicate the presence of fire retardants and plastics off gassing. (Air it out!) Clearing environmental stressors within your control can dramatically lower your body's stress baseline allowing faster positive change. Stressors include EMF/radiation,  xenoestrogens and other chemicals from plastics, chemicals, and search out any potentials for mould exposure - mould is deadly for the micro biome.  The next time you have blood tests, ask to be tested for heavy metals such as mercury - these factors are often overlooked but can interfere with a healthy micro biome!

Download the free "Yuka" App!   

Have some fun with this free App called Yuka - you can scan the barcode on your personal care and makeup items.  It rates them from Bad to Excellent, depending on the ingredients.  I have found Yuka to be reliable for these products, and actually fun to go through your items with others (there will be a lot of "OMG"s!). Some brands that promote themselves as being "natural" are loaded with baddies.  It can be pretty shocking!   

It does also rate foods and tell you why they are rated that way, but I find this is not as reliable, as they sometimes base their ratings on false assumptions about saturated fats being bad, and vegetable fats being good - while the OPPOSITE is true.  

Chemicals are a big deal for the micro biome:  Chemicals can encourage the proliferation of bad bacteria and damage the mitochondria. Some of the worst are EDC's (Endocrine Distrupting Chemicals) - these come from many sources including plastics/plastic water bottles, and polyester fabric.   They are typically found our personal care items, non organic foods, processed foods, plastics- especially water bottles, oral hygiene products, household cleaners, cooking utensils such as teflon non stick pans, and fire retardants in new furniture, mattresses, and the "New Car Smell".  New fabric furniture, rugs, and mattresses are typically loaded with fire retardants.

Use the Yuka app and purchase personal care items, cosmetics, and household cleaners from health food stores, use a good water filter such as Santevia which re-mineralises the water, buy as much organic food as you can get, and use structured water to lightly spray any new rugs or furniture, and look for organic mattresses without fire retardants, and use structured water to lightly spray any new rugs, and fabric furniture. Certainly if you buy a new rug and it "smells", return it.  Structured water works nicely as a detoxification agent. To structure water, simple vortex filtered water stirring briskly 40 x left, then 40 x right. (Taste the difference!) Then lightly spray new items in your home that may have chemicals or fire retardants. This will also help with new car smell. 

We are ALL exposed to the harmful herbicide "Glyphosate" (in roundup), whether it is in foods - even organic, from the air we breathe (city air is loaded with glyphosate due to gasoline containing bio fuels made with glyphosate laden GMO corn), and the atmosphere in general as it is a chemical included in geo-engineering.  Glyphosate and aluminum are the two main toxins present in our bodies today. 

The good news is, it is easy (and tasty!) to remove

glyphosate from the body by taking glycine, a yummy

sweet amino acid that tastes like sugar.  Add it to your

coffee or other food/beverage. 

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt explains how glyphosate takes the place of glycine in our cell receptors as we are generally low in glycine.  Taking glycine daily, such as in coffee, allows the glycine to replace toxic glyphosate molecules.  He states that urine levels of glyphosate immediately rise when 1 tsp 2 x day glycine is added to the diet for 2-6 months, depending on toxic load. Then he reduces the amount.  (Personally I add 1 1/2 to 2 tsp in the morning to my organic black coffee - it's wonderful!) 

Chemicals in most plastics deserve a special note because they contain xenoestrogens and "forever chemicals" which mimic the natural hormone molecule.  They attach to estrogen receptors in the body and falsely raise our estrogen levels causing reported "gender bending" effects, especially in babies - but it's also not good news for the micro biome!  Other common sources of include air fresheners, personal care and laundry products, canned foods (plastic liners), receipts, tap water, and household cleaning products - use brands such as "Nature Clean". Ask your health care professional about taking NAC, quercetin, and natural source vitamin C such as organic Camu Camu. Personally I take these 3 x day just to deal with our daily chemical exposure load. The Rosemary Blend Tea (see below #5) is a good detox from chemical and alcohol/substance excess. 

"Enviro Detox Essence":  My topically applied "Gemstone and Green Essences" (see blog)  are also good support for detoxification on a mental level.  Enviro Detox Essence is a type of homeopathic remedy made from turquoise, stinging nettle, and amethyst.   Chemicals affect our state of mind and emotions - I personally believe we see evidence of this every day in the form of widespread violence, and mental issues.  Apply 6 drops inside the wrist, 2 x day - it's pleasant and relaxing to use.  There is an additional Enviro Blend where mould exposure has been a factor. 


Mold: Mold is totally invasive and exposure to mold and musty/mildew alone can completely compromise your micro biome health on all levels because of endotoxin, which is deadly to the mitochondria and therefor the micro biome. 

Mould must be completely eliminated ASAP.  I spoke with someone who used an inexpensive ozone machine to kill any remaining traces of mould in the air.  Until it is completely cleared, open windows, and use a diffuser with oil of oregano to kill spores.  You can also spray with oil of oregano - about 35 drops in one cup of water.  I have found the most helpful factors to recover from past mould exposure are:

  • Chlorophyll (3-4 capfuls 2 x day in a glass of water- see photo above),
  •  Turmeric Blend drink (see listed below under number one in the protocol) 
  • probiotic supplement and foods such as goat's milk kefir, real sauerkraut
  • #3 tea listed below under number 5 in the protocol
  • best high fiber vegetables to feed good bacteria: cooked onions, cabbage, raw radish 
  • electrical support such as grounding and body polarity (see image, and description a few paragraphs below)  
  • mitigating other exposures in your home environment such as radiation and chemicals.  

EMF's:  Reduce EMF/radiation exposure by turning off wifi at night, keeping cell phones on airplane mode (especially at night), keep your router away from frequently used areas, hard wiring computers and keyboards/mouse - avoid anything wireless, especially ear buds and bluetooth, and get corded land line phones - cordless phones are hugely stressful. If you don't have any other options, place a piece of amethyst geode in the area where the phone or router is. 

Stressful Environmental Energies: Another type of frequency to be aware of is basic stressful energy, which I have found has a clear effect on the balance of the body's electrical charge.   These energies are very recognisable for example when you walk into an antique store, an old home, old buildings, or even a specific part of town. If you live in a city I'm sure you have noticed that certain areas may "feel weird" or off... consider the historical energy of what went on there. This is a subtle but significant effect. You may be most susceptible if you have EHS, or live in a high wifi or city environment - especially if you frequent older areas of the city, such as the "old town".

It's easy to protect yourself from this by doing 3 things:

1.  Get into the habit every morning of doing a body polarity clearing. (See "Left Right Polarity" image above)

2.  Either start with the turmeric drink early in the morning, OR take a multi strain probiotic such as the Living Alchemy- Comfort, with 45 strains. 

3.  Topic Oil of Oregano Blended with Olive oil:  apply 4 drops to the thymus area, 2 x day  (For details, see below under #2, Probiotics.) 

How to do the Body Polarity clearing:  This is good for balancing any kind of energetic disturbance in the body and micro biome, including from man made radiations.   Make a tight fist with fingertips touching palm, and thumbs sticking out.  Cross your wrists and place thumbs on the K27 points (27th point at the end of the Kidney Meridian.) Rub your thumbs back and forth quickly about 10 times, then switch hands, keeping wrists crossed. Go back and forth like this about 12 times - it takes under 1 minute. 

Heavy Metals:  Get your blood tested and work on this with your health professional.  My own mercury levels were very high at 30ppm (19 is the limit) -  I had had metal fillings years ago, and ate a lot of fish.   My holistic MD simply recommended taking chlorella, and cutting down fish except low mercury fish such as sardines, mackerel, herring, and the occasional wild sockeye salmon (NEVER farmed salmon).  I took it 2 x day, and by my next check, levels were cut to 18ppm, and now it's 8.5.    Adding a lot of fresh organic cilantro to your meals is also very helpful to remove metals.  Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD reports that aluminum levels have skyrocketed  due to geo-engineering. (Spraying of nano particles of aluminum and other chemicals into the upper atmosphere for weather manipulation - which of course eventually falls the fields and oceans.) 

Chlorella is good for removing many heavy metals, but just ease into it. It is best to work with a professional on this one unless you take it VERY slow.  Silica also removes aluminum from the body - cilantro is an excellent source of silica, as well as the herb horsetail.  Chop lots of fresh organic cilantro into your meals is good, and the citric acid in glass of simple lemon with water first thing in the morning is helpful to remove aluminum. (I take 2 T fresh lemon juice in 3/4 cup water) 

Mitochondrial energy may be the priority factor - mitochondria are the energy producers in all of our cells (except red blood cells) and their ability to produce energy is severely compromised by all of the stress factors noted above, including processed foods.  Without sufficient energy, they cannot sustain the anaerobic environment in the large intestine required by the good gut bacteria.  These bacteria such as Akkermansia die upon contact with oxygen.  If you are frequently fatigued, this is a clear indication that your mitochondria are not producing enough energy.

  • Electrical Balance in the body is important for mitochondrial energy - see #4 below. 
  • Support the micro biome
  • Avoid glyphosate exposure (eat non GMO, organic)

A Note About Tooth Infections

If you have a small inactive infection around the root of a tooth that you cannot feel and discovered only by x-ray, you may be able to resolve it with micro biome solutions in about 2 months.  Infections in the teeth are systematically dangerous and must be resolved looked after, however root canals are not the healthiest solution.  I recently developed this kind of infection after taking anti-biotics after the removal of 2 infected root canals (the teeth were originally infected by my wired headset microphone which touched my face in that area - radiation can activate pathogenic bacteria ).  Of course check with your dentist if you plan to delay medical treatment of the tooth. 

Follow the micro biome protocol with these minor modifications:

  • Take chlorophyll (see above image) 4 capfuls in a glass of water first thing in the morning (before coffee) 
  • increase the turmeric blend in the drink with honey/pollen (see #2 below) to 3 tsp/day for 2 months. 
  • Include 2 servings a day of these with your 4 servings a day of vegetables  (listed below under #3)   - onions, 2 raw radishes, asparagus, and carrots.  This is easy to do so find what works for you - You can even cook up a large batch of onions and freeze the portions, snack on raw radish, etc. 
  • do the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling - or at least brush your teeth and gums well 2 x day with the coconut oil/Himalayan salt blend. (1/2 cup coconut oil, 2 tsp Himalayan salt.)  This alone can relieve bleeding or sensitivity quickly. 


7 Priorities to fast track micro biome optimisation!

(Always check with your health care provider before adding supplements to your routine - they may not be appropriate for you personally, depending on your situation.)  


1. Probiotics - supplement, soil, foods

2. Turmeric Blend and raw honey and pollen drink

3. Best fiber vegetables

4. Grounding

5. Power Herb Blends (3 blends - #1 for foods and all three as a tea)

6. Chlorophyll 

7. Activated charcoal (optional)

I have observed from working with the micro biome, that certain strategies are important to keep bad bacteria in check, some will support a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria, and others will directly support the good bacteria such as Akkermansia, which may have been wiped out by the above stressores, and even be "undetectable" in testing.  Avoid hand sanitizers and contact with anti bacterial products/soaps/wipes as they also "sanitize" healthy microbes, depleting your micro biome.


1. Nature:  unfiltered sunrise, daylight, grounding, cold thermogenesis, water:

The ultimate laws of nature - this first step alone should fix your micro biome without much else except perhaps the best fiber vegetables, and herbal tea.  See the sunrise as this is the time we receive the best ultra violet and infra red light, necessary for countless chemical reactions throughout every cell in the body. Seeing the sunrise OUTSIDE through unfiltered light for about 15 minutes during the first 1/2 of sunrise is crucial. We also need at least a total of 1 hour outside per day to receive the full spectrum of light - this includes 15 minutes at sunrise.  At sunrise you can also do grounding - we need at least a total of 1/2 per day.  When you have a shower in the morning, turn it cold after you are nice and warm. This helps your mitochondria to create UV light which is why we find it energising.  Make sure you are drinking pure filtered and re-mineralised water such as the Santevia jug filter. (NOT out of plastic bottle.)

2.  Probiotics  (Supply and build good bacteria.)

I have listed 3 sources of probiotics here, which have different benefits. Note that supplements may only be necessary in the beginning for the first month, if you implement 'Nature'.  When your light exposure is stable, it is empowering to good micro biome balance and health. 

  • Probiotic supplements support mainly the large intestine and re-establish beneficial microbe strains that may be missing due to various past exposures.
  • Probiotic foods support the micro biome of mainly the large intestine/colon.
  • Soil probiotics (microbes) support mainly the skin and large intestine micro biome.

Probiotic Supplements:    Probiotic supplements are important for the first 2 months or so, to assure that you have all the important microbe strains, and in correct balance.   You may be missing some strains completely, and this will help to re-establish them - If you have any digestive issues, this is a clear signal.  Probiotic supplements stable at room temperature are also helpful when traveling, when we need extra immune support and may not have access to probiotic foods and the best vegetables.  Use a good brand such as 2/day "Metagenics Ultra" (refrigerated), or 1/day "Living Alchemy, Comfort" (unrefrigerated) - I take this one with a glass of water in the morning before food.

Take it early in the day - I take mine mid morning with a 6 oz glass of goat's milk kefir. 

Probiotic Foods:  

Aim for eating 2 servings of probiotic foods per day - earlier in the day, and with dinner.  For example, a serving of goat's milk Gouda or glass of goat's milk kefir early in the day, and 1/4 cup real sauerkraut and 1/2 pickle with dinner.   Eat as diverse a selection of probiotic foods as you can, from mixed sources. 

The best fermented foods I have tested include:

  • Real fermented sauerkraut (such as Bubbies brand, or Eden.  1/4 cup).  Cabbage has always tested as the best fermented vegetable as opposed to mixed vegetables - even unfermented, it is a top vegetable fiber for a healthy micro biome.
  • Real fermented pickles (such as Bubbies brand, 1/2 large pickle= 1 serving) 
  • Raw honey is rich in probiotcs (1 portion = 1 soupspoon  Note that boiling water will kill the probiotics - warm is fine.)
  • Bee Pollen contains multiple strains of beneficial microbes (see stucy link below) and works synergistically with probiotics and raw honey to support healthy gut balance. Personally I add 2 tsp bee pollen to my Turmeric Blend drink, see below. It has been found to reduce certain pathogenic bacteria to a healthy balance with the good. (Test out a small amount first as some people may be allergic to it.) I take 2 tsp/day added to the turmeric blend, see below, #2)
  • Goat's milk kefir  ( 1 portion = 3/4 cup, or 6oz.  Here in Toronto I use M & C brand, from Big Carrot)
  • Plain Goat or sheep milk yoghurt with 25% kefir added (Yoghurt should be an option, but today's yoghurt is typically not effective enough on it's own. ) 
  • Certain Cheeses: Be aware that most commercial and bulk cheeses made in North America now use GMO rennet (and don't label it!), so should be avoided.  In general, cow's milk cheeses do not test well for most people (cows have 4 stomachs!), where goats have a similar digestive tract as humans with 1 stomach.  Eat different types of cheeses listed here, to increase the variety of good microbes in your gut.  One of the best "probiotic" cheeses is goat's milk Gouda, from Holland.  Certain other cheeses are beneficial but not as strong.  Goat's milk mozarella is good, and "Chevre" goat's milk cheese is not expensive and is easy to find - it is a soft fermented cheese that comes in logs, sometimes coated with herbs, and in my experience even the "store brand" quality is good. I buy a plain log of chevre and roll it in the #3 (Gut Balance Power Herb blend, see below under number 5) and/or fresh chopped cilantro. 1" of log = 1 serving probiotic food.  Also look for goat's milk BrieRoquefort (which should be made with sheep's milk), and Peccorino Romano, an Italian sheep's milk cheese which tastes similar to Parmesan.   

Goat's milk Kefir is my personal "rescue" food - it's quick and easy to drink 3/4 cup, and works almost immediately.  It's good to take your probiotic with it.   If you like the kefir and sauerkraut, these are the most powerful probiotic foods, and you only need a total of 2 portions a day to feed the good bacteria in your small and large intestine, as well as the skin micro biome.  If you don't eat these, you would require 3 portions of the others, such as a pickle, a soupspoon of raw honey (up to 2 x day for 2 portions), and piece of cheese. 


The Healthy Soil Factor - soil probiotics!  I was more than amazed when I started realising just HOW significant "the healthy soil factor" is, thanks to the people I work with.. It kept coming up as a priority when developing the micro biome protocol with people with EHS.    It dawned on me that this really makes sense...  Historically we evolved farming, and contact with good soil microbes has always been part of our evolution.  How often do you think most of us actually come in contact with good soil -  the earth's micro biome? Most of us today, I'm sure can say almost never.   Awareness has grown immensely regarding re-connecting to the earth's magnetic and electrical by grounding, but I have not yet heard talk on public platforms about this missing part of the equation - actually touching fertile soil to receive the benefits of healthy microbes.  These are especially beneficial for the skin micro biome, but also gut.  Ideally you can combine this with #4, Grounding. 

To simulate this aspect of our evolution and reconnect with

the earth's micro biome, simply place your hands onto good fertile or organic soil

where plants can grow, such as your garden or a house plant. 

It only takes 10 seconds of contact with your bare hands to expose yourself to these healthy soil microbes, and is FREE.  You don't have to get your hands "dirty" -  Just press them gently onto the bare soil (not grass) or around a house plant, a few times for about 10 seconds - brush your hands off to remove any visible dirt, and do not wash them for 7- 10 minutes.  The benefits begin with contact to the soil, but it takes 7-10 to receive the full benefits of healthy soil microbes.  Work this into your daily routine - I typically touch the soil before going on my 10 minute early morning walk.  In testing I have found that doing this always raises micro biome energy by 5-10 percentage points, which is VERY significant. 

If you live in a condo or do not have a garden, indoor potted plant soil will work as well - also in winter or if you don't want to go out.   You can also buy a bag of good organic soil and top up your indoor and outdoor plants with that.  Martha Stewart's "Miracle Gro Organics - Potting Mix" is a truly excellent "living" soil. 

Protection from man made environmental factors (Radiation & stressful frequency):

Topical oil of oregano is not technically a "probiotic", but in some way it protects the positive/negative cell voltage balance of the general micro biome, which is challenged with wifi/radiation and stressful/low frequency exposure.  Heart and brain energy are significantly affected by this. 

Oil of Oregano Formula:  In a small glass bottle, add 7 drops oil of oregano per 1T of olive oil. Apply 4 drops to the thymus gland area, 2 x day indefinitely. (ie. morning and night) 

TIP:  Olive oil is a bit thick for dropper inserts, so either use a bottle with a real dropper, or tip neck the bottle against 4 fingers for the equivalent of 4 drops.  

3. Turmeric blend drink:   (Stabilise the balance between good and bad bacteria.)  This is almost a (poor) replacement for sunrise exposure - it does many of the same things except the most important - set your master clock in the eye, and clocks in every cell.  If you are seeing the sunrise, you will need less than half of the amount. 

I consider this a "rescue strategy" if you have EHS or other exposure, and will be going into a high stress environment such as strong wifi, and works beautifully with a multi strain probiotic, see image above. This version of "Golden Milk" is a fantastic way to kick start and stabilise your micro biome, especially over the first 2 weeks.  It is also supportive for mental health.  You may want to bring a stainless steel drinking bottle with you to drink during and after exposure - for example a high wifi environment - to boost and stabilise the micro biome during the first weeks.  It is a very pleasant and energising drink, so taking it every day should be easy.   If you don't want to take it as a beverage, you can also make a paste with the powder, honey, and bee pollen, to eat one tsp or so at a time whenever you need a boost - add 1tsp water if the honey is too thick to mix properly.  

It is the most effective strategy we have found in keeping your bad bacteria in check, and supporting good gut bacteria if you are in a high stress environment. This is  beneficial for metabolic health. 

Toxic environments stimulate the growth of certain bacteria which are "bad" in excess, and this drink has been found to keep the bacterias in good balance.  If you have EHS or are otherwise compromised, during the first 2 weeks if you are going into a high environmental stress environment (ie. a crowd all with cell phones, chemicals such as new car smell or dollar store, musty building, etc),  bring a small bottle of this drink with you and sip every 15 minutes and after you leave. This will help to stabilise your micro biome and help it recover quickly after exposure.  

Turmeric only stays in the system for about 6 hours, so it's important to drink it over the course of the day and evening.  I drink it in thirds - sometimes adding a bit of extra water if I'm getting low. (It's delicious!) If you can't make the drink for some reason such as traveling, you can fill the blend into 00 size gel caps, and take 6 over the course of the day (2+2+2 or 3 + 3), and take it with some kind of probiotic foods such as 1 T of raw honey and 2 tsp bee pollen in water, which are easy to travel with. The synergy between the blend and probiotics makes it far more effective.  


To make a batch of the turmeric blend powder, use organic ingredients, combined in a glass jar: 

Make a batch of turmeric blend to last almost a week (or make a double batch)

3T turmeric powder

4 tsp ginger powder

1 1/2tsp black pepper

Add 2 tsp of the blend powder to a mug, add 1 rounded T raw honey, 2 tsp of bee pollen.  For the beverage, add 1- 1 1/2 cups water warm enough to melt the honey and make it easy to stir. (Boiling water with kill the probiotic benefits of raw honey.)  Or, you can mix it into a paste and take that over the day instead of the tea.   The raw honey and bee pollen are key here, as they both contain multiple probiotic strains to increase your micro biome diversity and the spices help to maintain good balance. (see link below.)  Sip (or eat a teaspoon full) several times throughout the day and evening. 

(Optional: when you make your drink, you can add 2 tsp bee pollen for extra micro nutrients and B vitamins. Bee pollen is also supportive to the micro biome. ) 

4.  Best Fiber Vegetables:  (Feeding good bacteria with the right fiber.)  Focus on getting a total of 3-4 portions a day of organic low oxalate vegetables and if you can, sprinkle some Power Herb Blend on all of your meals.  Have any of the below list of vegetables with lunch or dinner to feed the good gut bacteria. These vegetables should be spread out a bit throughout the day, such as one portion at breakfast or lunch, and two with dinner.  This will also help to stabilise blood sugar levels.

The main reason these vegetables are so vital is their micro biome friendly FIBER - which feeds and supports healthy gut microbes.  This is the key. 

  It is not always easy to get even 3 good servings into the day so figure out what works for you - I tend to cook up a large batch in the morning for the present day and part of the next, such as slicing then boiling 1/4 of a red cabbage or a bunch of carrots, add frozen peas when almost cooked, sauté an onion, and combine with a bit of Greek olive oil and herbs.   Cycle between these excellent fiber cooked vegetables, and combine them as you like - these can all be cooked very quickly.  Note that the best organic carrots I have found are the bunches with carrot greens still attached.  Leave the greens on until you use them - they keep the carrots "living".  These vegetables are best cooked (except radishes) to make the fiber more digestible - yams and carrots should be boiled to remove oxalates. 

The best micro biome supporting vegetable fiber is found in these cooked vegetables... bok choy, green beans,  yams  (boiled to remove oxalates), green or red/purple cabbage, celery, onions, carrots (boiled to remove oxalates), fennel, squash, turnip, 1/2 cup peas (frozen are fine), asparagus, 2 medium raw radishes to your salad = 1 portion fiber.  1/4 cup of real sauerkraut = 2 portions as it is a vegetable AND probiotic food.   

Basic culinary herbs have compounds beneficial to the micro biome and work with the high fiber vegetables - include 1/2 tsp per meal of the "#1 Powers herbs blend" for digestion (see below #5), and drink "#3 Gut balance Power Blend" as a tea to support a good balance of gut microbes. 

5.  Electrical Support - Grounding and Body Polarity:  (Supports the good bacteria via helping the mitochondria to produce energy.)  As mentioned in #4, exposure to healthy soil microbes with bare hands and feet supports the micro biome not only through contact with healthy microbes, but also through grounding.   We are designed to absorb the earth's energy through the soles of our feet, but "all leather" shoes including the soles were replaced by rubber soled shoes and synthetic linings around 1960.  This historical transfer of energy from the earth to modern humans has been blocked ever since, as rubber and most synthetics are not conductive.  Do your best to get bare feet or at least cotton sock feet on the ground at least 30 minutes a day, but anything is better than nothing!  One hour a day in total is ideal but 1/2 hour will work  - including 15 min 2 x day.  Spend as much time as you can grounded and look for activities and ways to incorporate grounding into your lifestyle.  

PubMed has an interesting article on grounding and health - including gut health. (see link below.) "Decreasing the inflammatory response of the gut by grounding while you are eating is a great way to allow your food to digest more easily and with less discomfort, and secondarily because grounding increase blood flow as well, you gut absorption will be enhanced too.  In addition, vagal tone gets a boost when the body is grounded, and this in turn is a direct avenue for grounding to impact digestion, as our entire digestive tract is driven by the vagus nerve , everything from our salivary glands to our swallowing mechanism to gut peristalsis and even digestive enzyme secretion is guided by vagus nerve function. On top of all of this, walking boosts gut motility so consider taking 10 min to walk grounded after a meal to help boost gut peristalsis naturally, which will encourage healthy bowel movements and decrease bloating, indigestion, and constipation." 

Gardening in-ground plants or touching trees is also grounding (without rubber gloves - cotton is conductive so you will still be grounded if you need protection, but you won't get exposure to the good microbes).  Better still take of your shoes if conditions allow.  Swimming in the ocean is the ideal "perfect" grounding, walking on the wet shoreline of the beach or with feet slightly in the water, walking barefoot on damp grass (or any grass), stone, brick, and concrete such as concrete steps and even concrete condo balconies, are all conductive.  So is leather (all leather shoes with no synthetics such as authentic moccasins).  Cut wood is not conductive - of course living trees and plants are if planted IN the ground

NOTE: Body polarity, or "left right polarity" (see image) is disturbed by today's EMF/radiations, which affects the micro biome.  The correction for this is called "body polarity" or, nicknamed "Hitch hiker thumbs"... do 1 x day early morning - while grounding is a good time as grounding is also an electrical correction and these can act as an "electrical reset".  It should take 45 seconds to 1 minute. 

  • Make a tight fist with fingertips to palms, and thumbs sticking out.
  • Cross wrists and place thumbs under the inside end of the collar bones close to the sternum - thumbs will be about 1" apart. 
  • Rub the thumbs back and forth a few times, then "switch" hands by moving the top hand under the other, and rub back and forth again.
  • Keep switching back and forth about 12 times. 

Interestingly, this correction can also correct leg length, if one leg suddenly appears shorter than the other. 

6. Power Herb Blends for food and tea  (Supports optimal microbial balance)  These common garden or culinary herbs appear to keep the bad guys at bay, so the good guys can flourish, supporting healthy gut balance.  All 3 blends are excellent digestives - especially #3 blend.  It's not good to drink a lot of liquid with your meals, but a few sips of this tea throughout the meal and after acts as a good "non alcoholic" digestive. It is important to use organic dried herbs - some are widely available in common grocery stores. 

Organic cilantro is not always easy to find - "Splendor Garden" produces it, or fresh organic cilantro is widely available - dry it yourself as described below.  Organic sage may also be not easy to find - "Frontier"  produces it, and there is a brand at Whole Foods, but personally I oven-dry mine from the garden as it's fast and easy (and cheap!). 

 If possible try to include lovage in your blend - it is not always widely available dried in shops, but quality nurseries often sell the small plants which grows quickly, and reach about 6' tall once it's established - plus it can spread easily.   The leaves look much like celery or Italian parsley leaves. It is a hardy perennial, requires little water, and spreads well via tuberous roots. If you have access to lovage, it is a powerful addition to the blend and you will need less of the blend in total - 1/4 tsp/meal instead of 1/2 tsp. Also add chopped fresh lovage to meals - excellent with eggs, or chew on a fresh leaf.  A friend gave me part of her lovage plant just by chopping off a chunk of it with a spade, and I replanted it in my garden.  Nothing easier!

The plants produce far more than you can use fresh.  Plus dried is best for the herb blend to get the right measurements.  You can dry lovage leaves the same ways as the other herbs - place them on parchment paper on a cookie sheet,  and dry in the oven at 170F ("warm" temperature) for 30 minutes.  Then crumble and store in a glass spice jar.  Dried lovage is very concentrated and you don't need much of it for great benefit - about double the amount you would use of black pepper.   

Use Organic Herbs Only

#1,  Power Herb Blend,     (Add to foods, and drink as a tea)
This is wonderful added to foods, and also as an energising tea.  To make a batch, combine dried herbs in a small bowl and pour into a glass herb jar.  For tea, add 3/4 tsp to 3 cups boiling water.  

3 tsp thyme

3 tsp sage (2 tsp if using your own home grown dried sage, as it tends to be stronger)

3 tsp oregano

1 tsp lovage (if you have access to it)

1/2 tsp black pepper

If you do not have access to lovage, the blend is still effective if you leave it out.

#2, Cilantro Power Detox Tea 

  • Strengthening on all levels
  • Protection from picking up/absorbing stressful energies 
  • Letting go of things on all levels
  • Detoxifying on all levels - both from chemicals, and energetically clears stored low/stressful energies and energetic blockages from the body. (Note that "aches and pains" are often a sign your body is storing stressful energy, usually from the environment.)  Add 3/4 tsp to 3 cups boiling water. 
  • Use a stronger version as a spray to clear the energy in your home 1 x month. Add 1 tsp herbs to 1 cup boiling water and steep until cooled. Pour into a sprayer and spray all areas such as rooms, halls, stairway, entry, under beds, up and down corners, behind doors etc - anywhere energy can stagnate. 

Drink 3 cups every 2nd day (or 3-4 days a week).  Drink the other teas in between.

4 tsp cilantro  

3 tsp sage

2 tsp rosemary

2 tsp thyme

1/2 tsp black pepper

#3. Gut Balance Power Blend 

Use this as a tea in 3 ways - always use organic herbs as they are much more potent: 

  • Support the micro biome after mould exposure - drink daily for at least 1 month.  Add 3/4 tsp to 3 cups boiling water.   
  • Supports mental health
  • Acts as a digestive if you are planning a meal with "not good" ingredients, such as wheat, or dining out (Omega 6 oils). 
  • Use a stronger version as a spray to clear remaining mould spores in the air and fabric furniture/ curtains etc,  as well as disinfecting surfaces.  Add 1 tsp of the blend to 1 cup boiling water and steep until cooled. 

6 tsp Oregano

4 tsp Sage

3 tsp Rosemary

1/2 tsp Black Pepper

Power Herb Teas:  I also perform regularly (singing/piano) and discovered that this actually helps my voice and energy levels when performing, hence the name Thyme Power Tea!  Add 3/4 tsp of the Power Herb Blend to a teapot, pour in 3 cups boiling water, and let steep until most herbs have sunken to the bottom of the mug - about 10 minutes.  Sip throughout the day and evening.  I actually prefer it lukewarm or room temperature -  It's even a good digestive!  The Cilantro Blend Detox tea is a good detox from chemical and alcohol/substance excess, and the Gut Balance Power Blend is supportive after mould exposure.  

Power Herbs with meals: Increase the energy of meals and extra micro biome support by adding about 1/2 tsp herb blend per meal anywhere it suits, such as mixed into rice, vegetables, salad, on meat etc. You can also add extra fresh herbs such as organic cilantro.  If you have fresh chives in your garden, this is also very micro biome friendly. 


7. Chlorophyll:   (Detox, and keep bad bacteria in check.)   This should only be necessary for the first month if you are seeing the sunrise.   This can especially helpful if you have had past mould exposure.  Take 3-4 capfuls (see photo) 2 x day in a glass of water (1 - 1 1/2 cups).  I took mine first thing morning (before coffee), and before bed for about 1 month.   I am doing a heavy metals detox, so I take chlorella at the same time.  Or, you can just focus on eating more high chlorophyll foods such as fresh parsley, cilantro, boiled dandelion greens and spinach (to remove oxalates). 

8. Activated charcoal:  (Absorb and remove bad bacteria from the colon and body.) This is something optional you can take in the beginning when you begin this protocol for about 1 month. , 1 per day for about 2 weeks then drop it down to 1 x week after, in cycles such as a few days in a row every few months, or as needed.   It's purpose is to help the body clean out the digestive tract by absorbing and removing bad bacteria and toxic materials from the colon.  I use Organika brand capsules.  Take it 2 hrs away from meals and other supplements. Before bed may be the easiest time.

Support for the Elderly, at home,

or in a retirement home

I perform "music therapy and singalongs" in retirement and nursing homes and I can speak from experience that all of the residents have a low energy and imbalanced micro biome - typically 3% life force energy - healthier residents may have up to 6%.  Recent medical interventions have also caused this destruction of the micro biome, as well as multiple medications and exposures over the years.  I have worked with dementia patients and found chemical exposure has often been an issue, as well as mould, and now we have added high WIFI exposure to the mix. 

If you are helping a loved one in a retirement home, there is a LOT you can do (easily!). If their mental function is good, there is even more that can be done.  Whether they are there for  physical health and/or memory issues, focus on the micro biome.  Do as many of these strategies as you can, but choose at least 3-4 that work best for your situation. 

  1. PROBIOTIC:  This and the Turmeric blend are priority.   Arrange that they receive a good probiotic capsule 2 x day and discuss when it should be given with the nurse. (Away from certain medications.)  A non refrigerated brand like Garden of Life may be most practical.  I believe that ALL residents of retirement homes should be on probiotics to support their mental function and immune system.
  2. TURMERIC BLEND (in CAPSULES or Mixed into RAW HONEY): Make your loved one turmeric blend capsules (see above formula and details under #2) and see they get 1 capsule 2 x day.  I have not found any store bought capsules that even come close to this formula. If they like raw creamed honey (which is a probiotic), it works optimally with the turmeric blend.  You can also mix the turmeric blend directly into the raw honey - look for one that is a bit runny or mix a tiny bit of water into it, just enough to soften. It's delicious, so you can either feed your loved one a teaspoon of this, spread it on toast, or mix it into tea or a bit of water 2 x day - whichever works best for them.   To pre-mix the turmeric blend and honey, add 1/2 cup raw honey to a glass jar, and stir in 8 tsp turmeric blend. It will be very thick. You may need to add 1-2tsp warm (not boiling) water.
  3. SOIL and GROUNDING:  Make sure they have a good potted plant topped up with rich soil, where they can pat/touch the soil around the plant for about 10 seconds - you may have to call to remind them!  For grounding, in appropriate weather slip off their shoes and get their feet on the ground for 1/2 hr, or touch a tree... (Especially if they are at risk of stroke, as grounding is shown to break up blood cell clumping.) 
  4. FOODS in the Fridge: If they have a refrigerator in their room, real sauerkraut is an easy option as there is no preparation - they can even eat it out of the jar!  Real fermented pickles such as "Bubbies" brand, even chopped up into small pieces,  and perhaps they have a favourite cheese listed above such as the goat's milk Gouda, as snacks.  Since one of the best micro biome supporting vegetables is cabbage and it's not easy to get enough of the right vegetables, real sauerkraut is worth its weight in micro biome gold as it counts as both vegetable and probiotic food.  If there is any way this can be done, it's worth it!  Goat's milk Kefir is an excellent refreshing drink, if that can be done - even just when you are there.  Raw honey is also excellent - the kitchen may keep it for them and have it on the table in the morning to add to tea or toast, or perhaps they are even able to bring the jar down to breakfast on their own.  
  5. VEG SALAD: If you are visiting them frequently, bring a container with about 1 cup of cooked "vegetable salad" (seasoned with Power Herbs and Himalayan salt), with their favourite vegetables from the list above (see #3).  They can eat some with you in their room, and In some residences you can even give the rest to kitchen and ask them to add it to their dinner plate that night. (It must be eaten within 24 hours of cooking to avoid moulds.)  A nice combination could be something like organic carrots, peas, onions, and purple cabbage!
  6. POWER HERBS -  TEA and for FOOD: Also if you are visiting them frequently, bring them the Power Herb Tea to sip with you in the tea room, or in their room.  Make a large holed bottle of the #1 Power Herbs blend to leave on their dining table, and encourage them to add it abundantly to their meals - It will dramatically increase the life force energy of their food.  
  7. COOK POT:  If they can have a cook pot style kettle in their room as well as a fridge with freezer, you can cook them frozen vegetables in their room when you visit.  Keep the power herb blend and Himalayan salt handy for seasoning! 
  8. AMETHYST GEODE:  Wifi, TV boxes, and other stressful energies affect the micro biome.  If you are so inclined, a useful "gift" to enhance their space and reduce the negative effects would be a piece of amethyst geode.  Geode is the amethyst crystals with natural rock still under it.  Look for dark purple with defined larger structured crystals, and at least a few square inches of surface area.  This is a supportive and very stable form of amethyst which does not need regular cleaning, as tumbled amethyst and other stones do. 


A healthy, balanced gut micro biome is vital for long term physical, metabolic, and mental health, but is almost impossible to maintain in today's environment unless we are consciously aware of this and take steps to support our healthy gut microbes. 

Do your best to reduce stress in your environment so your body doesn't have to waste energy compensating for needless stressors.  It's a good idea to include a quality probiotic especially for the first 2 months, (and after any anti biotics) as possibly the other supplements mentioned if appropriate for you - check with your health care provider..

Long term, get into the habit of regular grounding and soil exposure.  Make a big pot of herb blend tea every morning and sip it throughout the day and evening - bring a flask to work... and get 3-4 servings of high fiber cooked vegetables spread out over every day - even if you pre-make them in batches to last 2 days and eat them as snacks between meals - figure out what works best for you easily with your lifestyle.

An extra note about the "Gemstone Essence Collection"!

NOTE: See "Gemstone Essences" blog - Amethyst essence is supportive to the energy of the micro biome (more so than the actual amethyst gemstone).

The Gemstone Essence Collection is comprised of 7 individual essences (along the lines of homeopathy, or the popular "Bush Flower Remedies") and several combinations.  These are extremely supportive in general to energetic health, which is the pre curser to the physical health.  

Bee Pollen study, Probiotics,bee%20bread%20are%20potential%20probiotics.

How Your Gut Micro biome Affects Your Oxalate Tolerance

Dr. Diedrich Klinghardt interview on toxins and detoxification

Practical Applications of Grounding to Support Health (including micro biome)