Mitochondrial Optimisation:
The Fountain of Youth in Your Cells.
Support for Specific Mitochondria.
March 20, 2022

by Karen Unsworth Berger, BAA, TFH
Updated August 30, 2024
All of the body’s cells except red blood cells contain organelles called Mitochondria, which act as our cells’ batteries or electrical energy generators producing about 90% of our body's energy. Morley Robbins MBA, CHC and author of "Cu-RE Your Fatique: the Root Cause and How to Fix it on Your Own", explains that the average cell contains 500 mitochondria. Specialised cells in the liver contain 2,000 mitochondria, kidney cells 4,000 mitochondria, heart cells 10,000 mitochondria, mature eggs in a woman's body have anywhere from 100,000 to 600,000 mitochondria, and the substantia nigra in the brain has 2 million mitochondria per neuron. Since mitochondria are so specialised, requirements to keep them healthy may vary slightly depending on the type of cell and how much activity takes place there. If our mitochondria are healthy, cells have all the energy they need for cell maintenance and repairs.
What factors today destroy the mitochondria?
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals found in microplastics, BPA, Pthalates, and fluoride,
- omega 6/linoleic acid rich foods and oils comprise too high a proportion of our diet - from 2% to 25% today. (Nuts, seeds, whole grains, chicken and farmed fish - mainly because they are wrongly fed seeds as their main diet. Also baked goods, processed foods...) Read labels and avoid all seed/grain and nut oils.
- EMFs/man made radiation is a MAJOR factor today in mitochondrial damage.
- Medical interventions, many personal care products, and household chemicals etc. are also toxic to the mitochondria. Download the free Yuka app to check your products for chemicals.
- There may be evidence that corn, in sensitive individuals, may have a negative effect on the mitochondria, especially in the liver. Corn/corn starch is hidden in many processed foods and baked products, condiments, soups, and sugars.
Dr. Mercola describes the process (link below) following mitochondrial destruction, we tend to develop gut disbiosis and things keep spiraling downhill as the micro biome is destroyed resulting in an imbalance of pathogenic bacteria and endotoxin. These ultimately destroy our health.
There is also a strong connection with metabolic disorders, manifesting as weight gain for no apparent reason.
These are some easy ways to regain our mitochondrial health, and maintain it in the future. Mitochondria can respond very quickly - from one day to the next - by implementing these strategies.
It is always best to receive your nutrients from whole organic foods
whenever possible. Supplements can be an excellent option for travel and eating out, but always check with your doctor before starting new supplements!
Top Interventions for Mitochondrial Support
There are a variety of interventions which appear to have an affinity towards mitochondria in specific types of cells – some interventions are nutritional, and others are energetic/electrical. Ubiquinol (Co-enzyme Q10) and Sulforaphane are two priority nutritional elements for the mitochondria. It may not be necessary to take supplements for them regularly if you are efficient with your cooking - foods such as pastured eggs, broccoli, broccoli raab, broccoli sprouts, and cauliflower, are very high in both nutrients.
First, remove harmful stressors above, which damage or destroy the mitochondria. Then use all or several of these approaches to support building and optimising mitochondrial function.
1. Walking/Exercise: Moderate exercise such as relaxed walking at a normal speed is absolutely one of the best ways to increase and energise your mitochondria, and it's almost impossible to overdo. Too much exercise can be very stressful on the body - according to Siim Land and Dr. Mercola, if you do weight training or high exertion sports such as tennis, 3 x week is enough. Think of exercise as "self charging", like a hybrid vehicle that charges it's batteries while driving. It's best to walk at least 45 minutes per day, and not all at once. I walk every morning early as possible, and after dinner.
I have also found that using authentic Kaatsu Bands (as recommended by Dr. Mercola) is an excellent mitochondrial stimulant. Personally I use them while doing yoga to enhance deep circulation to the fast twitch "dark" muscle, which diminishes with age. I always feel more energised after my routine.
2. Co enzyme Q10, dietary sources:
Eat small amounts of Fatty fish - sardines are by orders of magnitude the best source, and wild sockeye, mackerel, and herring are good sources. Other sources include pastured egg yolk, grass fed beef, bison, boiled spinach (to remove oxalates), broccoli and broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, walnuts (limited as they are high in omega 6), green beans, peas.
(If you must take a supplement, take Ubiquinol instead at it is a reduced form of Co-Enzyme Q10, and better absorbed.)
Suggested daily dose: Aim for several servings per day of foods rich in Co enzyme Q10 such as 1-2 animal based (ie an egg, and later small portion grass fed beef patty) and 1 vegetable source. (Note that many foods rich in sulforaphane are also high in Co-enzyme Q10.)
3. Turmeric Blend with raw honey and pollen: There is a growing awareness of the benefits of (organic) turmeric, but the benefits are increased by orders of magnitude when it is combined with ginger, black pepper, raw honey and bee pollen. Organic black pepper alone increases the absorption of turmeric nutrients by 2,000%. Amongst other things, this balance of organic ginger gives extra support to the pancreas and blood sugar handling. Raw honey and pollen are high in probiotics which work synergistically with the other ingredients and support the micro biome. Make a batch to last several days - In a glass jar combine:
6T turmeric powder, 8tsp ginger powder, 1T black pepper
Add 3 tsp of this blend to 1 rounded soup spoon of raw honey and 2 tsp pollen. Mix into a paste - you may have to add a touch of water for it to mix properly. You can add warm water to make a delicious beverage, or take it by the spoonful over the course of the day until finished.
Turmeric does not stay in the system long so it is important to spread it out over the day - take a sip or spoonful whenever you need a boost!
4. Marine sourced Omega 3:
For years I tried to rely on vegetarian sources of omega 3 such as flax oil and shelled hemp seed, but on investigating mitochondrial energy, I discovered that it's truly not enough. The DHA and EPA omega 3 oils are a powerful boost for mitochondrial function because they stabilise and increase the number of mitochondria. PubMed (link below) notes in studies done on skeletal muscles (40% of body weight) that it "reduces oxidative damage by increasing the capacity for mitochondrial reactive oxygen species emission without altering the content of oxidative products, suggesting the absence of oxidative damage.. The current data strongly emphasises a role for omega 3s in reorganising the composition of mitochondrial membranes while promoting improvements in ADP sensitivity." It also supports the metabolism and displaces toxic levels of omega 6 with healthy omega 3.
The biggest issue with fish oil is the quality of supplements - most fish oil supplements are poor quality and toxic. Most people go to their local pharmacy or big box store and look at prices for something inexpensive, and this simply does not work. It is also important to look as the source of the oil - it should ideally be from anchovy, sardine, and mackerel, which are "safe" low or no mercury fish. One of the best internationally available brands I have found is "Carlson Super Omega 3 (Norwegian)", which we use. 2/day (1+1). Occasionally if I have very high EMF exposure (such as unusual closeness to a cell tower, or driving more than 6 hours in one day) I will take an extra omega 3 in the morning to help compensate.
5. Energy Soup and Tea: Both of these recipes are almost instant mitochondria boosters - people have told me they can feel the difference right away, especially the soup with it's added omega 3 and protein from the sardine. The power herb tea is especially handy when traveling or eating out.
Energy Soup Recipe:
4 cups chopped onion, 4 cups chopped broccoli florets, 1 cup fresh oregano (or 1 1/2 T dried), 2 cups sliced carrots (boil separately first and drain to remove oxalates), 2/3 cup chopped cilantro (1T dried), 4 medium garlic cloves, 1T Power Herb Blend #1, 1 tsp Himalayan salt, 2T pastured butter for sautéing the vegetables.
To serve, add 1 sardine (if 3 in a can, or 2 if very small) to the bottom of the soup bowl, mash, and add soup.
Sauté onions and garlic with a bit of butter, add broccoli, herbs and salt, 8 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer. Meanwhile, boil the carrots separately until soft, drain, and add to the other vegetables. Simmer a few minutes, let cool a bit, and blend with a stick blender - add extra water if it is too thick. Then "re-structure" by stirring briskly creating a vortex... 40x left, 40x right.
(If you want to add another vegetable, you can add split pea, cook the peas first in a pressure cooker, and be sure to increase the herbs proportionately - about 1/2 cup extra fresh oregano and 1/2 cup extra fresh cilantro for a 500gm or less package of split peas. )
Mitochondria Energy Tea
This is very handy to help maintain your mitochondrial energy and metabolism if you are traveling - make a bottle of the dried ingredients, and add it to hot water in your hotel. I usually do this at breakfast - I ask for a pot of hot water and depending on the size of the pot, add 1 tsp herb blend per 3 cups water. It is ready when most herbs have sunk to the bottom (about 10 min). I pour whatever is left into a stainless steel bottle for the rest of the day!
Make a batch with organic dried herbs (conventional will not work properly): Combine, and store in an empty herb jar..
6T oregano
3 tsp each thyme, sage
1 tsp lovage if available
3/4 tsp black pepper.
6. Sunlight: Natural, unfiltered, outdoor sunlight is like a battery charger for the mitochondria, likely due to the highly beneficial near infra red rays (and likely multiple other components). This sun exposure is not related to vitamin D production - even in winter when the sun is too low in the sky for us to produce vitamin D, you can receive other benefits of sunlight by closing your eyes and pointing your face up towards the sun so the glabella (flat area between the eyebrows) is perpendicular to the sun's rays. If you have bangs, brush them away while you do this. This is a very efficient angle for absorption ultimately into the pineal gland. Sunscreen will block the benefits so avoid it - stop if you feel it start burning - of course morning sun will be more forgiving. In summer probably 2 minutes a day is enough using this technique, and in winter 10 minutes over the day may be enough. It does not have to be a clear sky - as long as you can see defined shadows, the sun's rays are getting through enough to receive the benefits.
Note that most sunscreens are toxic - if you must use some, use only where needed - it is best to cover up, and avoid omega 6 fatty acids (basically, fried food and all seed/nut oils which are hidden in almost every commercial food). This linoleic acid causes the oils in the skin to oxidize when exposed to the sun, causing sunburn - and premature skin aging.
7. Chlorophyll: This is an excellent general cleaner and detoxifier to the cells, including mitochondria. Many leafy herbs are high in chlorophyll, such as parsley, cilantro, lovage, and oregano. Use these liberally - not just as garnish! Chop into soups, rice dishes, vegetables, egg dishes etc. I try for at least 1/3 cup fresh herbs per meal. If using organic dried herbs, go for a total of 3/4 tsp per meal.
Bunches of organic cilantro and parsley are widely available, and oregano and lovage are east to grow. (Dry them for the winter by spreading fresh herbs on a cookie sheets and baking at 170F for 1/2 hr until crispy.)
Or you can use an organic chlorophyll supplement such as "Pure-Lē" (natural flavour). I take 1T in 6 oz water 1 x day.
8. Sulforaphane dietary sources: This is a natural sulfur rich compound found in abundant food sources and is especially beneficial for mitochondrial support. Sulforaphane has been shown provide powerful health benefits and may be taken in capsule form for convenience, and ideally in the form of whole organic foods.It is especially effective against cancers such as colon cancer, and may also beneficially affect heart disease, diabetes, vision (including light sensitive cells in the retina) and digestion issues.
Go for 3 servings per day of sulforaphane rich organic foods.
onions (red are best), broccoli, broccoli sprouts, broccoli raab, radish (2 radishes=1 serving), watercress, bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, pastured eggs, grass fed meats, garlic
9. Electrical support:
There are 2 quick exercises plus grounding, for the electrical system you can do every morning. - Magnesium (see #7) is also directly related to electrical function.
Think about about a hybrid car that charges it's batteries as you drive and use the brakes. Think of walking in the same way - when we walk (at a normal speed) we charge our mitochondria. Split up your walking - ideally we need at least 1/2 hr per day walking, but not all at once - try 15 minutes early in the morning (to set your body clock as well), plus 15 minutes after dinner.
combine it with an exercise routine or do the exercises as you sit grounding with bare or sock feet on the earth (beach, grass, cement, stone, brick are all conductive - not wood). Aim for at least 15 minutes at a time, 30 minutes per day. Studies have shown that 30 minutes is needed to break up "rouleaux formation" (blood clotting) which can lead to stroke. Our high tech environment is too unbalanced with positive ions, and grounding brings electrons into the body to balance the charge in our cells, and stop blood cells sticking together.
Grounding is also a powerful tool for recovery and regeneration - at least 30 min/day.
Left Right Polarity
Left right polarity is a PKP electrical correction developed by Bruce Dewe MD in PKP Kinesiology. (It also happens to be a quick correction if your leg length suddenly becomes uneven.) We have 3 acupuncture meridians (rivers of energy associated with organs) running down the inside of the arms and another 3 running up the outside. When we switch hands and massage the points, we are harmonising these meridians, which are part of our electrical system.)
Method: Make "hitchhiker fists" - a fist with your thumbs extended, cross your wrists and place your thumbs under your collar bones, which are the ends of the kidney meridians - K27. Massage thumbs quickly in about 10 small circles, then move the bottom hand so it is on top, and continue. Repeat each side.
Electrical Field Regeneration - heart area
Hold either one or both hands over your heart area, in the center of your chest. Move them about 1" away from your body and hold them there for about 20 seconds. It is possible you will feel heat or "activity" such as tingling when you do this.
Frequency: Start by doing these every morning, then walking again later after dinner. Compliance is easier if you can integrate it into a routine such as when you brush your teeth, or with regular yoga or other exercises. (Repeat 3 x day if you are focusing on mitochondrial function of the brain.)
10. Chlorella: This is a nutrient dense, detoxifying algae food especially for heavy metals, which also provides support and detoxification to the mitochondria. It is a cousin to spirulina, however in my experience chlorella has always tested much better than spirulina. It is especially effective for removing harmful heavy metals such as Mercury. It comes in tiny pressed powder tablets, capsules, and loose powder. You can use the loose powder mixed into foods and smoothies (just be sure to structure the smoothie after blending - stir briskly 40x left, 40x right creating a vortex). Chlorella powder combines very well with avocado in guacamole.
11. Magnesium: The body needs magnesium as a co-factor to make new mitochondria, as well as mitochondrial repair and energy production in the mitochondria in the form of APT - also critical for wound healing processes. Magnesium is also a priority for optimal functioning of electrical signals within the body including heartbeat and brain function. is used up in large amounts by EMF exposure and also regulates blood sugar, which could be one reason computer/emf exposure can cause sugar or alcohol cravings. For this reason, plus mineral depletion of our soils, it is a primary nutrient deficiency - assume you are deficient.
Many high magnesium foods such as leafy greens, nuts/seeds, whole grains are unfortunately also high in oxalates and/or seed oils - The best/safest high magnesium foods to include are organic boiled spinach (boiling removes oxalates), 2-3 small pieces of 85% organic dark chocolate, avocado, fatty fish such as wild sockeye/mackerel/halibut, bananas, Oral magnesium pills may not always be as well absorbed as topical, so I use different sources of supplements. This is how I get my magnesium...
- Oral: Ionized mineral drops - I use "Trace" brand, 10 drops in water, 2 x day (morning, before dinner, before bed).
- Oral: Along with the mineral drops in water, I add 1 large capful of liquid magnesium by Genestra, 2 x day OR magnesium bis-glycinate 200 capsules, 2/day. (I use CanPrev brand.)
- Topical: Buy magnesium spray and spray 2 x into the palm, then massage onto upper chest heart area, 2 x day.
- Topical Add 2 cups Epsom Salts into a bath of comfortably very warm water and soak 20 min. 2 or 3 x week.
12.Vitamin D: Ask your doctor to monitor your vitamin D levels regularly. Dr. Zoltan Rona MD, ("Vitamin D- the Sunshine Vitamin), explains "Vitamin D is really not a vitamin but a steroid hormone precursor that plays a major role in many diseases. It is created under the skin by ultraviolet light."Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency (sub-optimal levels) plays a role in causing seventeen types of cancer (especially breast, prostate and colon) as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, diabetes, depression, especially seasonal affective disorder, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, and periodontal disease.
The best and cleanest food sources of vitamin D include sardines, wild salmon, pastured egg yolk (soft), and beef liver. Of course vitamin D has countless benefits, including support the immune system skeletal system including teeth, and is anti aging.
For those who cannot tolerate the sun and prefer to take supplements, Dr. Reinhold Vieth PhD, researcher at the University of Toronto, notes that vitamin D toxicity begins at 40,000 IU daily only after many weeks of use. Taking up to 10,000 IU daily for months at a time provided there is no sun exposure is perfectly safe. Blood levels can be tested periodically to verify this." Personally I take about 6,000iu (6 drops) in summer, and 8,000iu in winter.
I have found that vitamin D with K2 added for some reason does not test well - it is best to get your vitamin K2 from animal based food sources such as goat cheeses (such as Gouda and Mozarella), goat's kefir, butter, sauerkraut and other fermented foods, pastured egg yolk, and grass fed beef liver.
Detoxification Tips
These are some of the modifications I have made to dramatically increase my energy levels. Toxins in general reduce mitochondrial function therefor maintaining a good detox protocol can help to remove them from the picture.
Water is an important tool for detoxification but it can do as much harm as good if you are drinking water contaminated with plastics, reverse osmosis, "alcaline", or common charcoal filters that claim to take everything out - including the minerals! Some water bottle plastics are worse than others - in fact plastic contaminated water can cause you to hole water - your body's attempt to dilute the toxicity in cells. The cheapest and safest solution is to get a water filter which re-mineralises the water after cleaning it with charcoal such as Sante Via or Nikken countertop filters.
It is next to impossible to avoid all chemical, heavy metals, medications, and EMF exposure today but we do have some ability to follow basic steps such as eating organic/GMO free foods with a lot of dried or fresh organic herbs. Avoid all commercial foods and omega 6 oils as described above, and mitigate EMF and chemical exposure at home. This is what I do personally to support detoxification.
- Water/Lemon: drink a lot of water with lemon for at least a few days by adding a total of 1/2 organic lemon per day to your water. I squeeze 1/4 organic lemon into a large glass of filtered water and refill the glass with the lemon a few times. Later in the day I'll dump the old lemon and squeeze another quarter of lemon into the glass and refil a few times of the rest of the day.
- Chlorella: I have now temporarily increased my chlorella to 7 tablets 3 x day (from 2 x day). You may find it easies to add the tablets to water and let them dissolve for a few hours, then drink it.
- Chlorophyll: 3 x day for 2 months, then reduced to early mornings only. 1 tsp to 1 T in 8 oz water (start with less).
- Increase my moderate exercise will also help to generate more energy and move the lymph to support detoxification. I do a total of 45 minutes walking per day - 20 plus 25 minutes. I use Kaatsu bands 4-5 x week during my yoga - they are very beneficial to reach the mitochondria deep in the muscles for muscle strength and stimulating muscle growth/avoiding sarcopenia.
- I have removed wheat and other grains except organic white Jasmin rice, which I use as a base for lots of healthy vegetables and proteins.
- Increased food sources of protein and vitamin D, specifically sardines (2/day usually 1 in soup for lunch and the other as an afternoon snack), egg yolk, goat's milk Gouda.
Supporting Specific Mitochondria...
It appears (through Kinesiological testing) that certain factors are priority for specific types of mitochondria - if you would like to give support mitochondria in those cells, check the list below and be sure you are considering the priorities for mitochondria in those cells.
It is best to get your nutrients from whole foods whenever possible. Vitamin D is an exception, and I have found that D Drops (1,000iu per drop) is an excellent supplement. The turmeric blend with raw honey (it must say "Raw" on the label - not necessarily organic) and pollen is a priority over over due to the synergistic benefits of the probiotic and antioxidants for both micro biome and mitochondria. ), and sulforaphane indicates foods such as onions, garlic, and broccoli. The electrical corrections are key - free, quick, and effective, and easy to integrate into your daily routine.
(Always check with your health care provider before starting supplements as they may interact with medications, for example omega 3 and blood thinners).
Walkingis beneficial for essentially ALL mitochondria, therefor I have not listed it individually.
Bladder: Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen, grounding
Bones: Sulforaphane, Omega 3, Vitamin D, Magnesium,
Bone Marrow: Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen, Electrical, Sulforaphane, Magnesium,
Brain: Electrical (3 x day), Omega 3, Sulforaphane, Ginkgo Biloba (3/day)
Breast tissue: Electrical, Ubiquinol
Colon: Turmeric blend/raw honey/pollen, chlorophyll, Omega 3
Eyes: Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen, co-enzyme Q10, sulphoraphane
Heart: Omega 3, Turmeric blend/raw honey/pollen, Ubiquinol, sulforaphane, electrical exercises
Immune system (General): Electrical exercises, Chlorella, Sulforaphane, vitamin D
Kidneys: Turmeric blend with raw honey/pollen, sunlight, sulforaphane
Liver (Metabolism/weight): Chlorella, Ubiquinol, Electrical, Beet/Celery juice, walking
Lung tissue: Ubiquinol, Omega 3, Turmeric blend with raw honey/pollen, Sulforaphane,
Lymphatic system: Sulforaphane, sunlight, chlorella, chlorophyll,
Lymphocytes: Sulforaphane, Ubiquinol, Electrical
Muscle: Omega 3, Ubiquinol, Sulforaphane, Electrical
Nervous system: Ubiquinol, Sulforaphane, Electrical
Neurological: Ubiquinol, Electrical, Sulforaphane, Magnesium, vitamin D, chlorella
Pancreas: Omega 3, Sulforaphane, Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen, electrical
Reproductive organs: Ubiquinol, Sulforaphane, Magnesium,
Skin: Ubiquinol, Omega 3, Magnesium, Sulforaphane,
Spleen: Ubiquinol, Electrical, Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen
Stomach: cabbage, asparagus, red radish, walking, Turmeric blend with raw honey/pollen
Teeth: Vitamin D, magnesium, Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen
Throat/mouth/esophagus: Chlorella, Ubiquinol, magnesium, Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen
Thyroid gland: Sulforaphane, Omega 3, Magnesium, Electrical
Thymus gland: Ubiquinol, Omega 3, Chlorella, chlorophyll, vitamin D, Turmeric Blend with raw honey/pollen
Omega 3 - fish oil
Vitamin D