My Favourite Hacks for Health
& Vitality!
August 25, 2022

by Karen Berger BAA, TFH
I thought that sounded like a good blog article, so, using kinesiology testing as I always do, I tested through the priorities for MY body. I do all of these things anyway (I admit I'm a bit OCD!), but this is the first time I've rated them in order of what my body loves and is truly important. And, there's a good chance that what MY body loves, so will YOURS, from a biological perspective.
- Connecting with nature: sunrise, sunlight/daylight, cold thermogenesis
- Hydration: Drink about 1 1/2-2 L/day of (ideally) "superstructured water". Saturate your cells in this high energy healing frequency. You will likely even see a positive change in your skin within a few days.
- Oral health: This is vital for good health! Do "oil pulling" daily with coconut oil, and/or brush your teeth and gums with coconut oil/Himayalan salt.
- Wear Natural Fibers (avoid ANY percentage polyester and acrylic), avoid wearing metals.
- High energy clean diet - as much organic as possible, wild sockeye, pastured meat/eggs, culinary herbs, no Omega 6 seed or vegetable oils, low oxalate, avoid nightshades, avoid wheat/whole grains/corn.
- Natural Sun Exposure (not through glass): Especially the glabella area between the eyebrows. Unlike vitamin D production, it can be done year round to benefit mitochondrial energy and function.
- Time restricted eating (eat or drink all calories within an 8-10 hour window)
- Home Environment: low EMF exposure - hardwire computer, wifi off at night, clutter free
- Wear metal free gemstone bracelets, use gemstone essences (see blog article)
- Wear coloured tops, rainbow spectrum
B: Lifestyle habits:
- 6 Universal Foot Reflex Zones
- Daily healthy sun and natural light exposure - avoid LED lighting, use incandescent and halogen
- Sleep 8 hrs, bed by 10:30pm
- Mantras
- 10 minute early morning walk (before shower)
- Yoga 6 -7 days a week, light weights 3 x wk, chiropractic 1 x month
- Eat light days - (mainly fruit/veg) 2 days/month
- At least 1 hr daily grounding (outdoors when possible, indoors with grounding mat)
- Regular blood donation
C: Basic Supplements that I take
- Vitamin D 6-8,000iu daily (depending on season)
- Topical supplements: Magnesium, diluted oil or oregano, diluted oil of thyme
- Power herbs: 1 1/2 tsp/day added to meals, 1 1/2 tsp thyme blend as tea throughout the day
- Vitamin C (with natural source such as sea buckthorn, elderberry)
- Omega 3 (women- flax oil, organic hemp seed, men- organic hemp seed, fish oil. See quality below.)
- Turmeric blend drink: 1 1/2 tsp/day with raw honey, bee pollen
- NAC 3/day
- Quercetin 2/day
I have written blog articles about some of these areas with more detail and instructions, and will indicate that below where applicable.
A: Personal Ecology
1.1 The ultimate laws of nature - Dr. Jack Kruse (neural surgeon and physicist) is the authority on this subject - see links to his website and podcasts below at the bottom of this article. I have found that following this simple and free protocol is a game changer, through testing myself and others. Personally, I had almost immediately healthy weight loss (which I wasn't expecting as my weight was good at 5'4"/122 lbs), increased energy/positivity, higher life force energy, increased flexibility in the joints, higher organ and bone energy, more refined vision, completely balanced high energy chakras (this is an amazing benefit), and overall increased sense of wellbeing and positivity. (Note that I felt great before starting this.)
Some history of Mammals: Dr Kruse emphasises that light is a macro nutrient, vital for our survival. 65 Million years ago when the meteorite hit the Yucatan Penninsula area, it caused the "5th extinction" - the darkness interruped photosynthesis and killed off the dinosaurs. The earliest mammals at that time were furry little creatures able to live under the earth to evade the dinosaurs, and produce UV light from the cold - their UV light produced sugars and nutrients that provided their nutrition in the absence of physical food because mammals (including us today) have a gene called POM-C. This gene uses melanin (from their fur or in our case, pigment) to produce energy. When the dinosaurs died off the mammals began living on the surface and adapted to natural light. This is fascinating biology which Dr. Kruse details in the links below.
The basic rules are:
1. See the sunrise at least 15 minutes, daylight exposure exposing as much skin as possible - note that in winter in northern latitudes we need a bit longer as only the face is typically exposed, grounding (in winter in northern latitudes wear 2 pairs of cotton socks with feet on concrete/stone - we need less grounding in the cold - 25 min per day). Natural sunlight is excellent for charging the mitochondria in your bones, cartilage, and teeth. Think of it as "solar powering" them! Even if you burn easily, when your receive the wavelengths from the UV and Infra red in the sunrise, this helps your skin to tolerate sun exposure. Dr. Kruse states, "It's all about electrons - the more we have, the better we do". We receive electrons through sunlight, grounding to the earth, and the foods we eat. The ocean is especially high in electrons therefore fish/seafood is an excellent food source of electrons. DHA from fish also acts as a wide band semi conductor in our cells to create light and energy.
Daylight is vital for all systems of the body, including skeletal, endocrine, and reproductive systems. It is important to realise that even if you have a bright home with lots of windows, the light is filtered - not full spectrum as the glass filters out UV and infra red/warm frequencies. (I have a red spectrum grow light in our kitchen/living area to add red to the interior spectrum) Wearing glasses also blocks the vital UV and infra red spectrum - never wear sunglasses or use sunscreen unless absolutely necessary - wear a hat, and expose as much skin weather permitting as possible. If you wear prescription glasses, remove them as much as possible outside. If you can't see without them, remove them sitting outside at sunrise, or in the day sit down and remove them. You will likely find your vision improves.
Cold thermogenesis: these are the priorities to give your body the basic tools it needs such as light frequencies, electrons from the earth, cold thermogenesis (increase the amount of UV light that wide band semi conductors in the cells emit/increase energy produced by the mitochondria).
Including both the sunrise, and cold treatment is a fast and easy way to increase to create UV light and energy production in the mitochondria. For those of us in northern latitudes, mother nature has a brilliant balance for reduced UV light in the winter - our bodies can create UV light from being cold! This could be either getting cold outside for at least 15 minutes a day, having a hot shower or sauna and jumping into a cold bath or shower for 3-4 minutes. It you are fortunate enough to live near the ocean, swimming or deep wading in the cold ocean water is ideal - and also fantastic grounding.
Cold energises the organs such as pancreas, and the gut micro biome (especially small intestine) - in fact blue light toxicity and lack of UV light can cause high blood sugar, diabetes, and obesity without even eating carbs. Cold thermogenesis will also increase tolerance to every day radiation exposure and blue light from artifically lighting and screens, which deplete mitochondria and destroy melanin - the vital, dark pigment found throughout the body including in the brain, eyes, ears and skin (we see it when we get a tan, or the pigmentation in black or brown skinned people).
2. Drink approx 1 1/2 L day of "supercharged structured water". See blog "Supercharge Your Water"
Good hydration is priority, as we all know. I choose the supercharged filtered water as It literally supercharges the cells when you drink the recommended 2L/day. I filter the water using a "Sante Via" filter, which cleans then remineralises the tap water, and place the supercharging stones in the base of the filter, or glass water bottle.
Avoid filters which contain carbon only, "0" filters, and reverse osmosis which is commonly used in commercial waters unless labeled "spring water". They remove almost everything from the water, including minerals! Reverse osmosis has a similar effect as drinking distilled water, which ultimately leaches minerals out of your bones and cells. You can use bottled spring water in a pinch - I avoid this when possible as plastic does leach into the water, and the bottles are an environmental concern. Use a filter such as Santevia or Nikken, which re mineralises the water after cleaning with carbon. In my blog article I also give details on how to structure your water, and supercharge it using specific quartz stones.
3. Oral Health and Oil Pulling: I can't begin to emphasize how vital oral health is for overall health. If you have symptoms such as joint stiffness and pain, fatigue, etc. check your oral health. It is not always infection from decay or root canals that causes the problems with bacteria in the body - it can be as simple as a sensitive gum area (perhaps irritation from a crown or previous dental work) that causes a high bacterial load, infection, or stress in the body.
- Check root canals! - I had a total of 5 root canals due to undiagnosed EMF exposure from an ungrounded headset/wired microphone. The two worst infections were where the wire touched my cheek. Root canals can have hidden infections high above the roots which we may not notice since there is no nerve. My infections went undetected by x-rays because images are not typically taken higher above the roots. This spreads bacteria around the body causing inflammation. The DAY I had the two infected teeth removed, stiffness in my L5's (lower back joint) disappeared completely and I felt better overall. If you find infected root canals, remove the tooth and depending on the location, replace with a zirconia (non metal) implant from an oral surgeon who specialises in this. In my case the infection from 2 side by side root canals was causing other root canals to act up a bit because of the circulating infection in my body. As soon as those 2 were removed, the others all stabilised and are fine.
- Have regular cleanings at least every 6 months - ask your hygienist about any bleeding. If you have questionable areas, immediately start oil pulling or at least brushing.
- Follow the Ayurvedic practice of "oil pulling." This can quickly eliminate bleeding of the gums and reduce sensitivity. Make up a glass jar with 1/2 cup organic coconut oil (semi solid at room temperature) and mix in 1tsp Himalayan salt. Flush about 2tsp of this blend around your mouth daily for at least 5 minutes (the original practice recommends 20 minutes) perhaps while you are in the shower or doing something else. Then spit it out into a plastic lined garbage bin - it can clog the pipes.
4. Wear and Use natural fibers - it's your body's environment!
Some synthetics, (the worst I have found being polyester and acrylic - nylon is acceptable,) lower your body's energy levels before it can even get going in the morning! To optimise your health and energy it is not easy to express how VITAL it is to wear natural fibers. A healthy person may have a life force energy of 70% - put on a polyester top, and their life force energy plummets temporarily to about 10%. On the other hand, a cashmere sweater can increase it to 90%. They may not feel the negative effect (unless they have an injury, which may become more painful) because there is a good store of healthy energy to keep them going for the time they are wearing it. However its' effects are cumulative over time.
Consider polyester and acrylic "anti life"...
It is not clear to me why this is true - I know it is related to chemicals used in creating these "plastic" petroleum based materials. Nylon is also petroleum based but is much more neutral. It is not always easy to avoid polyester and acrylic as it is used in so much sportswear and winter coats etc. but the details are clarified below.
Natural Bedding materials
Lets's start there as quality of sleep is vital, so be sure you are sleeping in natural fiber bedding. If you have a duvet, it should be ethically sourced down or silk - most are polyester. The ultra soft, fluffy throws that are so common now may be tempting, but they are 100% polyester and suppress your energy levels. (Don't be tempted to use these for babies, just because they are so soft - they are energetically draining for your baby who is trying to grow into a healthy child! The same goes for pets.) Sheets and bedding should be natural fiber such as cotton, bamboo, or even silk. "Mulberry" is a brand who make silk bedding - the whole duvet and pillow filling is silk. They are often available at trade shows for a discounted price, or on line which is more expensive.
Your bed frame and mattress are also very important - go for the European style wooden bed frame with slats, a spring free (preferably) organic mattress such as latex. Avoid any metal springs in the bed as it attracts electrical fields from the wall wiring and lamp cords, etc.
General clothing
If we wake up in the morning, have a shower, then pull on a polyester or poly blend bra or underwear, maybe sweats or leggings, stretch pants.. You're body's energy levels may literally be cut by 50-70% or more - it hardly has a chance! This is especially important if you have an injury or are healing from surgery etc. In this case check the labels and focus on wearing as much natural fiber as possible, especially over the affected area. Aside from the damage to health, these fabrics are also an environmental nightmare as they are like plastic, and don't degrade.
On the other hand, the BEST fabrics will actually INCREASE your body's energy by about 20% from it's base level.
There is something to be said for spending more money
on quality fabrics, and having a smaller wardrobe!
Silk is interesting because it is the only "living" fabric that has it's own energy field, and it will donate energy to the wearer, and absorb stress. You may have heard of wearing a silk scarf to heal a sore throat.
The important thing to remember with silk, is after you wear it, or at least before you put it on again, give it a good shake, like you're shaking out a tea towel. This will release the stressful energy it has absorbed, and restore it to it's natural state. If you have a silk duvet or larger item, hang it outside for 10 minutes to freshen and energise it.
NEUTRAL fabrics will not affect your body's energy either way - they support your natural energy. Once I had a cotton top from a famous designer, which tested stressful to wear - normally cotton is fine, but if you have cotton that does not feel good on, even if expensive, there could be a problem with it such as GMO cotton, chemical treatments, or toxic dyes, so trust your intuition.
No way - My Coat is causing me pain???
A few years ago I was suffering from a ski injury, and was "OK" and at least able to walk carefully, until I went downtown wearing an "eithical to animals" quilted coat... after a short walk I was in great pain and limping so badly I was almost in tears - I could hardly make it back to my car. At home, I examined the label and found the coat was quilted with polyester fiber - plus the outside fabric was polyester! I thought I had purged my closet of polyester but didn't check the coat. Many coat linings are polyester - look for "cupro", which is a natural cotton derived fiber and can be used in linings as it looks and feels like satin.
The area most sensitive to this drain in energy is the thymus gland, located a few inches below the base of the throat under the sternum, and relates to life force and immune system energy. If you are stuck with a polyester coat or jacket, you can reduce the negative effect by leaving the top open and using a quality natural fiber scarf wrapped and tucked in against your skin or natural fiber sweater, to keep you warm.
The healthiest warm coats to support your health and energy levels..
If you live in Canada like we do, you need a warm coat and hat! These are the healthiest choices to look for, that will actually increase your energy when you wear them... Invest in a cashmere or heavy silk scarf, leather mitts, natural sheepskin boots such as real UGGS. Beware of synthetic sheepskin - it is typically 100% polyester.
- real sheering as it 100% natural sheepskin and has no lining
- wool, cashmere, alpaca - check the lining - look for cupra or other natural fiber lining. Watch out for synthetic linings in hats. (Nylon is ok.) Watch out for warm winter clothing including hats and sweaters which contain Acrylic. Most "wool" hats contain acrylic.
- It is quite easy to find Nylon windbreakers and quilted coats with ethical down filling
The Effect of Fabrics on Our Life Force Energy
BEST | Neutral | Worst | |
Silk | organic cotton | Polyester (approx. 75% reduction) | |
cashmere, alpaca | cotton | Acrylic (approx. 75% reduction) | |
Wool (especially marino) | Pima cotton | ||
leather or sheering | viscose | NOTE: Nylon is best synthetic found, | |
rayon | with only slight negative impact on energy. | ||
modal, cupro | |||
bamboo | |||
linen |
The most energy DRAINING fabrics I have found are are polyester and acrylic - there could be others that I have not tested.
Sports clothing is a primary culprit with "quick dry" light fabrics which are typically 100% polyester, as well as "sweats" which are typically about 50% polyester. ANY percentage of polyester or acrylic is too much.
It's like wearing a toxic plastic against your skin, draining your body's energy. Nylon is the best of the synthetics, so look for nylon if you want the extra light tennis, golf and sports wear - it IS available but you may have to search. Viscose and lightweight cottons are also available for sportswear.
Avoid those super soft thick socks, throws, and especially baby blankets - covering your baby with these immediately suppresses their body's energy levels and immune system - NOT good for health, happiness, growth, and development of babies.
- Organic fabrics are obviously the best, so buy those when you can. I have found organic cotton in surprising places, such as department stores, and "Joe Fresh" in Loblaws.
- Stretch pants and leggings are often available in viscose or cotton with some elastin which is fine, so search them out. (Whole Foods carries organic cotton stretch leggings in black - but beware their "recycled polyester"!)
- A few brands such as Lacoste still make cotton sport shirts. "Chervo" makes nylon golf wear. There are brands such as "ORANGE Fashion Village", which carries an excellent line of bamboo leggings and other clothing... Search it out.
Wash new clothes before wearing. Some cottons are fine to buy and wear without washing, but to be safe, wash new clothes first, as many have formaldehyde applied by the manufacturer for protection/storage. Add 2T baking soda to the detergent holder along with your detergent, use unscented natural detergent. OR you can add 1 1/2 cups plain white vinegar to the fabric softener compartment. This will freshen your clothing from stressful energies, and remove chemical residue. (I add these to every load of laundry.)
Underwear and Fertility
Of course avoid polyester underwear. In fact there was a study done with men given polyester underwear to wear for a time. Their sperm counts were measured, and were found to have dropped to "infertile" status over the approximately 6 month period. Their sperm counts returned to normal after they resumed wearing natural fiber underwear. Viscose is excellent for underwear, and of course cotton. Nylon is common in women's underwear, and this is acceptable, but ideally look for the natural fibers avoiding ANY percentage of polyester.
Shoes can also dramatically affect your body energy - especially if you have knee, ankle, hip, or leg issues. Leather is best, sometimes real cork sole sandals are available, and some of the ultra lightweight washable walking shoes such as Sketchers are also fine - perhaps they are made with nylon.
Always wear natural fiber socks in your shoes OR get a leather liner insole - this helps to protect against synthetics. Some high density foams even in expensive shoes, are toxic to our energy field. Note how your joints and body feel after walking a distance in the shoes. If your knees or hips are aching, what are you wearing?? It could be the materials in the shoes, or clothing.
4. High Energy, Anti-inflammatory Diet: See details in my blog article "High Energy Eating". I truly believe this is a big part of the French paradox, which has been credited mainly to drinking red wine! Traditional French cooking uses a lot of high energy herbs, so they are inadvertently charging up the energy of their meals on a daily basis! Make your own power herb blend and add liberally to all of your foods and meals. There are two specific blends - the same except interchanging cilantro and thyme. Lovage is also excellent - especially on eggs, but this herb is not so easy to find unless in your garden. Formulas are based on organic, dried herbs for easy measuring. You can also use fresh - chop and use the same proportion. Add 1 to 1 1/2 tsp per meal. You can also add herbs to your olive oil - poke them down into a full bottle. It takes 3 days to marinate. Abundant use of these power herbs can double or triple the energy of your meal, which is passed on to you!
500ml bottle of preferably Greek olive oil such as "Acropolis" brand, add either 1 1/2 tsp dried herbs, or 4 six" sprigs thyme, 4 sage leaves, 12" total sprigs of oregano. (Most commercial olive oils, especially Italian, are adulterated with cheap vegetable oils by the "agro-mafia".)
Power Herb Blend Recipes
Thyme Blend: 2T thyme, 2T sage, 2T oregano, 1T black pepper. (Also use as a tea to help against EMFs.. 1 1/2 tsp in 2 cups boiling water. Let steep until herbs drop to the bottom, sip throughout the day.
Cilantro Blend: 2T cilantro, 2T sage, 2T oregano, 1T black pepper.
Is organic REALLY so important today?
Grocery stores today are like a minefield. The best way to navigate it is to buy organic as much as possible, use preferably organic culinary herbs detailed below, avoid processed and GMO "foods", and read labels on all foods your buy looking for toxic omega 6 seed and vegetable oils. They are in a LOT of foods, including supposedly healthy organic foods. (ie. crackers, bread/pastry, pies, sauces, dressings). Choose organic not just because it is higher in energy, but also due to the heavy use of glyphosate ("Roundup") on crops - especially GMO crops which are bred to tolerate huge amounts of it. Non on organic wheat, oats, hemp seed, are laden with it as it is used as a desiccant to kill the plant so it dries out, saving the farmer harvesting cleanup time. THEN it is send to processing to make our bread and other grain products. How yummy does that sound?!
Glyphosate is linked to cancers such as lymphoma, as well as brain problems especially in children and the elderly - specifically autism and alzheimers, and erratic or violent behaviour. This is thought to be due to the fact that glyphosate is a chelator - it removes nutritional elements from the body - especially Niacin (vitamin B3). B3 deficiency is strongly related to autism and alzheimers. Note that vaccines are also high in glyphosate because of their high concentration of gelatine, made from the bones of GMO fed animals.
Salad: The highest energy salad combination I have found is broccoli sprouts, sunflower sprouts, with avocado and chopped red radish. I purchase pea sprouts, but make my own sunflower and broccoli sprouts. Simply rinse the seeds 2 x day in a ball jar with a straining lid (lid available in some health food stores.) They are read in 1 week. After one week put the sprouts in the fridge while you make a new batch! Always rinse sprouts well in cold water before you eat them.
Burgers: Use sprouts instead of lettuce, add a lot of black pepper and thyme or lovage to pastured beef
Rice and pasta: Add 1T per serving pastured butter when cooking rice, power herbs. Use WHITE rice pasta, available in health food stores. Add power herbs, chopped fresh cilantro.
Herbs will even significantly boost the energy of conventional foods, so if you travel a lot and have to eat out, you may want to bring some dried herbs with you to add to the meals. I bring Himalayan salt, and the Thyme power herb blend. Both herb blends contain sage, which helps with digestion and breaks down bad fats in case anything is fried.
Our goal is for as many of our meals our meals as possible to reach at least 50% life force energy. Most of us today actually have a very low life force energy - under 20% which is around the point where illness start to develop. Most fast, manufactured, and highly processed food has a life force of 0% and stress level of 20-40%.
What about immitation cheeses and meats, farmed fish, chicken, meats?
Fake meats (and cheeses), loaded with toxic vegetable oils, are completely dead, toxic non-foods, and should be avoided like the plague. Be skeptical when you hear they are a healthy choice. It's not true - they will make you sick.
Farmed fish - including salmon - is extremely toxic due to toxic non species appropriate foods. Even "organic" farmed salmon is NOT good as they are fed grains and cannot convert Omega 6 in the grains to Omega 3. The reason fish is healthy is due to omega 3 fats, but farmed fish do not contain omega 3 - just omega 6, which is toxic in high quantities. Stick to wild sockeye, sardines, and mackerel. The same goes for chicken - if chicken is only pastured, eating/pecking for bugs in a natural habitat, it is fine to eat. But farmed/cafo/organic chicken is one of our highest sources of toxic omega 6. Pigs also cannot convert omega 6 to omega 3. The best meats are beef, veal, bison, lamb, or other wild meats.
5. Natural Sun Exposure (not through glass): We all know that sunlight on bare skin produces vitamin D especially at high noon, and depending on the time of year and latitude. But vitamin D production is only part of the benefit of sunlight. We cannot get the other benefits such as near infra red rays, from taking vitamin D. The good news is, we can get these benefits any time of year when its sunny - even if you live in Alaska. It does not even have to be a clear blue sky - if you can see defined shadows even with a hazy sky, there is enough sunlight to receive the benefits.
It's nice to have a safe all over sun bath when possible, but the priority area of the body to absorb natural light is through the glabella - the skin on the area between the eyebrows. The near infra red, and other beneficial rays, are then absorbed by the pineal gland (located about 6" behind it) and distributed throughout the body. Near infra red is vital in the production of melatonin, and setting your body clock, as well as supplying energy to the mitochondria to produce melatonin.
Sunscreen will block the rays, be sure to leave the glabella area sunscreen free. Personally - with very fair Celtic skin - I only use a touch of safe suncreen on burn or wrinkle prone areas. Close your eyes and expose your bare face safely to the sun, tilting your head upwards until the rays are hitting the glabella at a perpendicular angle. This is for the most time efficient absorption. If you wear bangs, move them out of the way.
If you feel it burning, stop immediately and resume either early in the morning or later in the day. For higher summer sun you may only need 15 minutes a day - you can split it up into several exposures if too strong. For filtered sunlight or in winter, you may need a total of 30 minutes. 5 days a week is usually enough.
Interestingly, this is often comes up as a priority for many, especially those who have had mould exposure, or have EHS. (Electro Hyper Sensitivity.) This is likely due to the positive benefits of sunlight to the mitochondria, which are especially impacted from those exposures.
6. Time restricted eating: Eat all of your food for the day, spread out preferably within an 12 hour window (not more than 12 hours). For example no calories before 11am or after 7pm. If you drink coffee or teas in the morning, black is fine. This gives the body a similar benefit to fasting, and time to heal and regenerate. It is not able to do this if we are snacking around the clock. Dr. Jack Kruse advocated eating breakfast early as our body is most able to digest sugars within the 1st hour after sunrise. Eating outside in natural light increases the efficiency of digestion and assimilation of nutrients.
7. Environment: Keep your home feeling light and relaxing. Eliminate stressful energies and reduce EMF's.
This is similar to the fabrics that we wear in the sense that by having a stressful home environment, we reduce our life force energy just by being there, or wearing the clothes. We want our energetic base line to be as high as possible! See my blog article "Home and Office Energy Medicine."
In summary, the priorities are to clear clutter, and spray your home thoroughly with a white vinegar and water spray (1 part vinegar, 3 parts water) - spray the air like an air freshener, then up and down corners, all fabrics or soft surfaces including window coverings, inside closets and drawers, wooden furniture, and under beds, desks and tables. We keep ourselves stuck in the same energetic patterns, whether it's habits, illness, or simply "mass consciousness" from what has previously happened and who was there before us, current affairs, the news, etc. Spraying with this vinegar spray will neutralise most stressful energy and freshen the environment. Spray carefully the first time, then "refresh" by re-spraying around commonly used seating areas, TV room, or if someone (including a pet) is sick, spray around daily to clear the frequency of illness from the environment. Do this at least every 2 weeks to maintain a high energy - re-spraying wooden furniture etc. should not be necessary again if the space is kept clear. If there is illness in the house - pet or human - spray daily to help them out of the "illness pattern" (including their bed/sleep area). This will clear most low energy, but not books, art, etc. For this, see my blog article "Home and Office Energy Medicine". (link above)
Please see my blog article "EMF and Radiation Protection", for various easy ways to reduce EMF exposure.
Two top strategies would be taking specific supplements to increase your tolerance (magnesium spray or epsom salts baths every 2nd day, and diluted Oil of oregano and thyme oil), and simply turning off your Wifi at night so your body can rest and regenerate properly. This is important for everyone - especially consider children, or a sick person or pet in your home.
It is very easy to evalulate your EMF exposure and dramatically cut it - at least in your own personal environment, and especially at night so you're body is able to rest peacefully and regenerate. Stress from EMF's alone can cause blood sugar and hormone imbalance, including high cortisol levels, and low DHEA levels.
By removing passive EMF exposure out of the equation, it will be much easier to achieve and maintain health and vitality! My blog article also discusses many ways to increase your body's tolerance to EMF's, to protect ourselves against sources we do not have control over.
8. Semi Precious Stones or bracelets: (See my blog article "Semi Precious Stone Jewelry".)
Quartz is a fantastic stone to keep your body relaxed and happy in today's high EMF environment. Either wear at least 25gm (typically 2 tumbled stones) in your pocket, or wear a metal free rose quartz bracelet. Note that contact with metals neutralises the stone's beneficial properties. The stones also have to be kept energetically clean - rinse daily under cold running water for 20 seconds, OR keep them with a piece of selenite to clean them.
Every day, I wear 4 bracelets on my right wrist - Always rose quartz, pale blue amazonite (#4) for EMF, and alternate the other two. My bracelets contain selenite beads, so they are
always functioning at optimal energy.
Almost all commercial bracelets that I have seen are ineffective and low in energy as they are either not the best quality stones, they are made with metals or toxic cord which drain their energy, or they have absorbed too much negative energy. Make sure you clear bracelets daily as above, and/or keep them with selenite. If you already have bracelets which you love, you could also buy a selenite bracelet and wear it with the other bracelets, and at least you will improve the energy of your bracelets. Also, wear them on your right hand, and avoid wearing metals.
9. Wear Colours: The wavelength of colours can also give us extra support on a daily basis. Find some stronger clear colours that you like, and feel comfortable wearing - Even if you prefer fashionable neutrals such as grey and black, pairing them with a coloured top or accessory can bring them to life.
For example black on it's own is typically energy draining but it completely changes when paired with a high energy colour such as turquoise or hot pink (or coloured semi precious stones - even bracelets, scarf, tie etc) black springs to life as a backdrop for the colour. I suggest having a supply of colours in natural fabric across the spectrum - especially rainbow colours which relate to the body's own natural chakra frequencies. In the morning have a good look at your selection of colours, think of what you have to do today, how you currently feel, and see which colour you are most attracted to!
B: Lifestyle
1. 6 Universal Foot Reflex Zones: (See blog article for details and charts)
This is an invaluable protocol you can start TODAY, and it won't cost you a cent.
Doing this treatment daily can have a dramatic, noticeable impact physically and mentally, the first time you do it. It clears all the energetic pathways bringing a feeling of lightness and joy - pains disappear when energetic blockages are removed and energy flows freely throughout the body the way it was meant to. This makes real healing possible.
Use topical, diluted oil of oregano and oil of thyme on the foot zones for extra support.
These 6 Universal Zones are cleared in order - Kidney, solar plexus, liver, stomach/pancreas, lower spine, and lymph. Check the blog article with charts and "how to" video.
2. Healthy Sun Exposure: By healthy sun exposure, we mean don't burn! The skin is best at making vitamin D when the sun is high overhead - around solar noon, which is 1pm, as the sunlight must hit our skin at a minimal angle to be able to produce vitamin D. Wear a hat, or wear a light sunscreen not above 30 SPF on your face or just a dab on burn prone areas only. Sunscreen blocks the skins ability to make vitamin D, plus many suncreens are loaded with toxic chemicals. If you skin burns very easily, that's another reason to avoid Omega 6 vegetable and seed oils (especially fried foods) from your diet, as these oils make our skin more prone to burning. Focus on animal fats such as butter/ghee, or even coconut oil for frying at home.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, those living closer to the equator such as southern Florida, do not need to take a vitamin D supplement at all if they can expose as much skin as possible to the sun for an hour a day. This is beneficial not only for vitamin D production - the near infra red rays (40% of the sun's rays are near infra red) play a key role in mitochondrial health, and 95% of the melatonin our body is produced IN the mitochondria - not the pineal gland as previously believed. Melatonin is a dominant factor in our circadian rhythm, so sleep quality is also involved.
Here in Canada, and in most of the US and anywhere far from the equator, it is necessary to take vitamin D pretty well year round - in July and August we can certainly reduce it if we get outside uncovered around 1pm on a regular basis. Note that if you have darker skin, unless you live in a sunny warm climate, it is usually necessary to supplement vitamin D. I would like to point out that during Covid, it was apparent that the black community was very affected - I believe this may have been due to their lower vitamin D levels.
LED lighting
Avoid extended exposure to LED lighting, which is high radiation and energy draining. It is normally only the blue end of the spectrum and very, very deficient. If you must spend time in this environment, such as an office, get a halogen or incandescent desk lamp to at least dilute the LED and add some full spectrum. Also, the mantras and thyme blend tea re-energise the brow chakra, which is drained by this lighting. Daylight (outside - not through glass) also supports the brow chakra.
3. Sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hrs/night: And go to bed at approximately the same time every night to get your circadian rhythm into a pattern. Research has shown in a 5 year study of 88,000 people, that heart attack and stoke was lowest in people that went to bed between 10-11pm. Personally, we go to bed at 10:30pm and wake up at 7. This is the time your body heals and regenerates, and is truly a priority.
- See above under "natural bedding materials" to assure you are sleeping in an optimal environment, with natural fabrics and supportive materials
- Turn off your wifi at night
- If you use your phone as an alarm, put it on airplane mode and keep it more than arm's length from your sleeping position
- The room should be very dark, and on the cooler side.
- Do not eat within close to 3 hrs before bed. (Water is fine.)
- harmonise the energy in your bedroom by placing an all green sansevieria (snake plant) on your end tables.
4. Ayurvedic Mantras for Longevity, Health, and Healing - gifts from our most ancient ancestors...
This is a recent addition to my favourite hacks. I had always under-estimated the power of mantras, and as a friend was reciting some to me, I realised that some may have powerful universal benefits for us in today's high EMF world.
The Sanscrit Mantra is "Om, Shree Dhanvantre Namah". (Some spelling is "Namaha" - it depends where it's from, but I have found "Namah" preferable.) This is pronounced "Ohm, Shree D-havantré Na-mah" ) The literal translation is “ Oh Lord Shri Dhanvantari, I bow before you respectfully with prayers”. However the English translation does NOT have the energetic benefit of the original Sanskrit.
This mantra has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for longevity, health, healing, and even "immortality" according to ancient tablets. It is addressed to Dhavantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. (Spellings of the name vary.) Keep in mind that Sanscrit is the sacred high vibrational language of our most ancient ancestors, and mantras should be approached with the highest respect and reverence, in a meditative, peaceful, state. You can hear a sample of the mantra here, by Deva Premal.
The mantra can be sung in monotone or with slight variations – do what feels comfortable to you, inhaling through the nose and being aware of the long exhalation. Repeat this mantra slowly for 1 minute twice a day. (The first 2 days you may wish to do 2 or more minutes - of course you can repeat it as long and as much as you want to, but 1 minute is the minimum.) Do it when you are out walking quietly in nature, in a quiet environment, or as part of a meditation or yoga programme.
Typically at least 5-6 mitigations in total are needed for protection and tolerance to EMF, but it appears that saying or singing this 4 word mantra will put you FAR ahead in terms of removing stress from your body and protecting your body's natural energy field.
How does it work?
Radiation frequencies appear to cause porousness and holes in the energetic fields around the human body, as well as of animals and most living things - think of Swiss Cheese! Porousness allows low and stressful energies to move through our other energetic bodies right to our physical body. The mantra appears to work mainly on the spiritual level – the most distant layer of the energy field, which may radiate roughly 5' from the body in all directions. This in turn protects the other main levels closer to the body – emotional, mental, electrical, then physical.
I believe the reason this particular mantra is so powerful is that the energy of the name “Shri Dhavantari” is a connection to the ENERGY of knowledge of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Medicine. When we sing “Om Shree Dhanvantari Namah” in Sanskrit’s high vibration, it takes it to a completely different level than if we use English, or any other modern language.
If I test the energy of the English translation, it has only 10% life force. No benefit or connection. If I test it using the Sanscrit language, It’s life force is 100%.
The powerful high frequency of the language and words of this ancient mantra appears to have an immediate forbearing effect over manmade radiation frequencies, and the energy field is protected, the holes are able to naturally fill in. The result is your energy field becomes complete again. Virtually everyone in the trial could feel a positive effect immediately after completing the first round, and were enthusiastic about continuing it, and found themselves doing it for longer periods of time. Because we are continuously being bombarded with man made radiations, now more than ever from satellites, this ancient mantra appears to offer us excellent, immediate support and protection.
If you are suffering from EHS or health symptoms, sing the mantra for at least 2 minutes 2 x day for the first 2 days, then you can reduce to 1 minute if you wish. I have been doing a trial with 10 volunteers for only the last week - We have found that repeating the mantra for 2 minutes will increase the "completeness" of the energy field from 0-10% up to 60% after just the first 2 minutes. By the end of the second day the energy field so far has been typically 100% "complete".
The mantra also supports the chakras. It energetically benefits mainly the throat chakra, which is typically under 10% of it's optimal energy, due to the effect of man made radiations (and chemicals). The throat chakra is considered the gateway for energy between the head and lower body. It is best if the mantra is sung or spoken (even whispered) as the frequency will pass through the throat chakra, HOWEVER, if this is not possible, such as with an ill person or with an animal, contact with them white reciting the mantra yourself will transfer the frequency to them, so it WILL work - it may take an extra day or two to get to the full potential.
Blockage of the throat chakra is said to affect physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. (One can't help but wonder if this is connected to the rise in emotional/mental illness and violence in society today.) Repeating the mantra in our trial has typically raised throat (and subsequently all chakras) energy to a very balanced 80% by the end of first 2 days. Of course it must be repeated 2 x day indefinitely for ongoing support.
MANTRA 2: "Om Aim Namaha" (pronounced Ohm Ayeem Namaha). This 3 word mantra specifically supports the 6th (brow) chakra and balances energy in the head area - so if you are prone to symptoms such as eyestrain or headaches, this is excellent. Repeat for 30 seconds, 3 x day, or when exposed. This is ideal to use along with the Thyme blend tea, which also supports the brow chakra. In a large 2 cup mug, add 2 cups boiling water to 1 1/2 tsp thyme blend. Let steep - the herbs will sink to the bottom. Sip throughout the day, and bring some cold with you in a small flask to sip on if you go out.
5. 10 minute morning walk: When we wake up in the morning we typically have higher cortisol and blood sugar levels than later in the day. This is just a natural part of the body's cycle. However a brisk 10 minute walk in the morning - just get out of bed, pull on some clothes, and walk outside for 10 minutes - will increase pancreas energy (for most, about 30%) AND expose your eyes to natural light early in the morning, which supports your circadian rhythm.
6. Yoga or Stretching 7 days a week, meditation, regular exercise,. My parents were professional figure skaters in their youth, but skated well into their 80's. My mother did about 1 hour every morning of stretching and yoga, and her fitness and agility was incredible her whole life - no sign of any frailty or stiffness with age. (See image, age 81)In fact I have a photo of her around age 80 doing full splits. She would say "I have to do it or I don't feel good!"... It does not have to be specifically yoga, but some kind of stretching routine for a LEAST 20 min a day, is very important to stay youthful and keep your body happy. Add light weights every 2nd day or 3 x week. We finish our daily yoga routine with 10 minutes meditation, and every 2nd day do a short weight workout. Consider using Kaatsu bands (, do not get the bluetooth - get the air tube version) over age 40 which use very light weights, to build muscle and avoid sarcopenia/muscle wasting, frailty, and injuries.
Walking of course is excellent - research has shown than about 7,000 steps a day is optimal - there is not much benefit over that, and the benefits of fresh air cannot be over stated! You can also wear kaatsu bands on your legs when you walk. Make sure something you do as part of your daily routine is cardio, like running up the stairs, or jumping on a rebounder.
7. Grounding: (See Grounding blog article) Around 1960 plastics were introduced, and rubber or synthetic soled shoes became the norm. They took over from 100% leather soled shoes, which are conductive and allow the flow of anti-inflammatory and energising electrons from the earth into our bodies. Plastics, rubber, and some synthetics block this flow. Grounding is ideally about having our bare feet on the ground to absorb electrons and keep our bodies electrically balanced, and able to fight off inflammation.
Grounding is also demonstrated to completely break up blood clots in about 30 minutes by correcting the polarity in the red blood cells and separating them. (images are available on web site.) Bare feet on the ground is not always practical or possible to accomplish due to seasonal weather, but there are now grounding tools available in case you don't live in a year round warm climate.
Alternatively, in cold weather you can touch trees with your bare hands is also grounding, as their root system reaches deep into the earth. To be discrete, on a walk in cooler weather where you may not want to wear bare feet, try leaning against a tree with your bare hands behind you touching the tree! Grounding products for inside the home are also now available...we use pillow case covers for better sleep, grounding sheet, and grounding mats to place your feet on at the computer or use as a large mouse pad. Grounding mats almost completely eliminate man made body voltage which we pick from the computer keyboard.
(see in USA, in Canada, and in Europe. There are also excellent videos on these sites.)
The ULTIMATE grounding is walking barefoot on a beach with your feet in salt water, which is a great conductor of the earth's electrons. Barefoot on a freshwater beach, or walking on damp grass is next best, but ceramic tile, brick, metal, concrete and stone as found in sidewalks and patios are also conductive. (Wood and tar are NOT conductive.) If you live in a condo and have a balcony, typically the concrete balcony is grounded and will transfer electrons to bare feet - the balcony concrete is connected to the ground indirectly through the outside of a brick or concrete structure, which is in contact with the earth. If it's too cold for bare feet, cotton socks will allow most electrons through.
Ideally we should be grounded 24/7 as our ancestors were, but the least amount of time is 30 minutes a day. Personally we:
- sleep with grounded pillow cases and half sheet
- use a grounding mat barefoot at the computer (I have a stand desk, so I stand on the mat - my husband uses it as a mouse since he prefers to wear slippers)
- walk on our neighborhood beach most mornings for 30 min weather permitting
- spend my time on our stone patio and outside the house in bare feet.
8. Regular blood donation: Within the last 2 years or so, researchers have become aware that one major issue we have not recognised up until now is the negative impact of excess iron as we age. Our bodies accumulate iron throughout our lives, and does not really have a natural way of getting rid of excess iron so it stores it in our cells including mitrochondria, creating a whole issue of imbalance with other minerals such as copper, and a chemical chain reaction producing ROS (reactive oxygen species) and free radicals. Donating blood has been shown to increase longevity.
(When I first read this I couldn't help but wonder how mother nature in her wisdom could have overlooked this factor of iron accumulation. Perhaps when we were evolving we NEEDED the extra iron as we inevitably would have accidents or animal encounters causing blood loss, as part of early life.)
Experts suggest that those who are able, donate blood (450ml) every 3 months which is the maximum allowed as our bodies need time to replace the volume. We should ideally start donating when we are younger - men especially, and women at least after menopause, but since this is new information, starting at an older age would still be highly beneficial.
C: Basic Supplements
These are what I have found to be priority supplements for myself, for support against today's major stressors - mostly environment such as chemical, pharmaceutical, and EMF exposure. Note that they are all natural whole foods or compounds - substances that the body makes. Some are topical.
- Vitamin D
- Topical supplements: Magnesium, diluted oil of oregano and thyme
- Vitamin C - natural source
- Power herb blend and tea
- Omega 3
- Turmeric blend beverage
- Quercetin
*May not be necessary if one is doing the 6 Universal Reflex Zones protocol regularly
1. Vitamin D: Vitamin D is not technically a "vitamin" - it is a master hormone, and is vital for the immune system. In fact, I read an article citing a study where no one with vitamin D levels over 50 ng/ml had died of Covid 19. The goal to shoot for is 60-80ng/mL (some countries' measurement would be 150 nmol/L to 200 nmol/L).
In North America, a disproportionate number of black people in New York and the north were affected by Covid - their darker skin is a natural sun block, leading to vitamin D deficiency unless they supplement. (Even then, the recommended daily dose is much below what is required for optimal immune functioning.) According to an article in Dr. Joseph Mercola's Sept. 5 2022 newsletter, the mechanisms of action of vitamin D are:
- reducing the survival and replication of viruses and inflammatory cytokine production
- Maintaining endothelial integrity - Endothelial dysfunction contributes to vascular inflammation and impaired blood clotting.
- Increasing angiotensi-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) concentrations, which prevents the virus from entering cells via the ACE2 receptor, and ease the severity of Covid 19.
- boosts overall immune function by modulating your innate and adaptive immune responses and reduces respiratory distress, improves overall lung function
- Regulates infalmmatory cytokine production
- Helps produce surfactants in your lungs that aid in fluid clearance
- Lowers risk of comorbidities, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease
Personally my Dr. has me on 5-6,000 iu of vitamin D daily (5-6 drops) and my levels are about 170 nmol/mL, so you can discuss it with your Dr. and use that as a reference. However it is best to get vitamin D from sunshine - be outdoors in the sun for an hour around mid day. If you live in a place like southern Florida, you may be able to get enough healthy sun exposure without supplementation, but anywhere north of there, we should be supplementing. There are other benefits to sunlight, such as near infra red light (which also helps your body structure water) and melatonin production in the cells. It is not possible to get sufficient vitamin from the sun unless you live in a more equatorial climate, because even if it is sunny, the angle of the sun's rays through the atmosphere do not support vitamin D production - even in summer, say here in Toronto, there are only a few hours mid day when we can make vitamin D, and not at all in winter. I have found "D drops" to be one of the most bio acceptable brands in Canada, and "Carlson" in the USA.
If you have a very pure brand of Cod Liver Oil, this is also very high in vitamin D, but be careful that the quality is pure and tested.
2. Topical Supplements - Magnesium, oils of oregano and thyme: This mineral is VERY widely deficient today as our high tech environment exposes us to radiation which drains our stores of magnesium - be it home, office, travel in planes, cars or trains, and even walking outside we are exposed to 4 or 5G.
Magnesium tablets are typically not absorbed well, so it is best to use a topical form, 2 x day. I make my own magnesium cream (I plan to give instructions to make it yourself), but have used topical sprays. These are most effective on the chest over the heart and thymus gland area. However sometimes these can "prickle" with repeated used, so try it out - maybe you have to spray in different location such as inside your arms. Epsom salts baths are wonderful before bed - 2 cups in very warm water for about 20 min., and have as much of your skin covered as possible for more absorption. For most people I have found doing this every 2nd day with supply adequate magnesium.
Oil of Oregano (organic): One thing I would never go on a trip without - that is (diluted) oil of oregano for topical application. I added this to my routine because it gives me powerfully effective protection against EMF stress, and specifically 5G. I was in severe pain and non functional when exposed to friends' new 5 G enabled phones, and this was a game changer.
Oil of Oregano is EXTREMELY strong, and must be diluted. Add 7 drops to 1/4 cup olive oil and mix. OR, make your own by marinating 1T dried oregano to 3T olive oil for 48 hours (or more), strain, and it is ready to use as is. Pour into small dark bottles. If you have a dropper in the bottle, drop 4 drops on your thymus gland area and massage in morning and night. Without a dropper, tip the bottle against your fingers 4 times, and massage into the thymus gland area - this is about the equivalent of 4 drops, then 2 drops on the thyroid gland.
Oil of Thyme: Purchase organic thyme oil OR make your own by marinating 1T dried thyme in 3T olive oil for 48 hours, strain into a dark glass bottle, and use as is. This is stabilising for pancreas and heart energy, and supportive against EMF. 2 x day on foot zones 2,3,5,and 6.
3. Vitamin C (natural source): We all know that vitamin C is vital for the immune system. Our bodies do not make vitamin C, and we need quite a lot these days as we are faced with so many pollution factors which increase our anti-oxidant requirements. It is important that vitamin C be natural Europe, Sanddorn (sea buckthorn) juice is available but it's not easy to find in North America. Elderberry crystals are available - add this to a strong cup of rose hip tea (another great source), or look for supplements such as Can Prev's "Select C", which contains sea buckhorn and citrus bioflavanoids. Foods do not contain much for today's needs, and orange juice is much over rated, aside from being stressful for many people (as are strawberries and red peppers due to high lectin content). Blueberries, raspberries, and elderberry, and red grapefruit juice are good sources.
Intravenous high dose vitamin C successful treats many form of cancer, as well as infections and sepsis.
I remember years ago when my mother was about 50, she had a operation on her knee and had to stay in bed. My father came and sat on the bed beside here, and sat on her reading glasses, breaking them. She thought "oh no, here I am stuck in bed and I can't read", but low and behold, she discovered she could read perfectly well without them! Her doctor had put her on significant doses of vitamin C, and this was a side benefit - she put her glasses away for good!
- highly beneficial for the eyes
- anti-oxidant, immune function
- reduce heart disease, gout, high blood pressure, and dementia risk
- circulation
4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Flax oil caps, Organic Hemp Seed, (or wild salmon oil for men and children): Omega 3 fatty acids are always a priority, however flax oil capsules are not reliable quality - I find Flora in Canada, and Barleans brand in USA, are high quality brands. If you can't find these, use Organic Hemp Seed as a source of extra omega 3, max 1T per day. as it does contain a small amount of omega 6 (which we want to limit).
- It is anti-inflammatory
- Excellent for helping to keep skin and hair soft and smooth.
- Fights stress and anxiety
- Eye and brain health
- heart and cardiovascular health - fights inflammation, dissolves blood clots, cholesterol, blood pressure, prevents arterial plaque,
- For women up to about 75 years oil, I prefer Flax oil capsules or organic hemp seed. The vegetarian sources appear to support female hormones, as they have always tested better than fish oil for women. For men and children, the Wild Salmon Oil form has always tested best. (Women over approx. 75 test better for wild salmon oil.) Check with your Dr. if 2/day is right for you (1+1).
NOTE: Flax oil is very volatile and not easy to process without oxidation and rancidity. Avoid bargain brands in clear gels as they are likely rancid, and try to stick to the brands mentioned above. They should be sold in a dark or opaque bottle, with dark gel capsule. Organic hemp seed is easy to find in high - it must be organic due to the use of glyphosate as a drying agent in non organic. Blend 1 T/day into soup or smoothies, or sprinkle on salad or goat's milk yoghurt. Also be very very careful with fish oil - look for a clean source, such as "New Chapter".
5. Turmeric blend: Most people now are aware of the anti-inflammatory and other benefits of turmeric. Turmeric also has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. However it is not well absorbed on it's own - black pepper increases absorption apparently by 2,000%, and ginger works well with turmeric. Turmeric also does not stay long in the system, and for this reason take a capsule, or take sips of the beverage, spread out several times over the day.
For travel, you can use a combination of the 3 and fill "00" capsules (3/day). I usually make the beverage as it can be more highly energised by adding 1 large T of raw honey, and 1 tsp bee pollen (for B vitamins and other benefits) to 1 1/2 tsp turmeric blend. Add 1/2 cup cold water to the mug, then 1/2 cup boiling water. (Pouring boiling water directly on raw honey can destroy the enzymes and probiotic benefits - warm water is fine.)
- 3T organic turmeric powder
- 1T organic ginger powder
- 1 1/2 tsp organic black pepper
6. NAC: (N-Acetyl Cysteine) This is an amino acid which the body makes, but due to the challenges of today's foods, medications, reduced food quality, and environment, we often need more than our bodies can make. It is the supplemental form of cysteine, and a vital pre curser the body needs to make glutathione - one of our most powerful antioxidants. Personally I take 2 x 500mg/day. This is always tests for me as a priority supplement.
It helps with detoxification from drugs and environmental factors, replenish glutathione levels in the lungs, and relieve respiratory symptoms and inflammation in the bronchial tubes and lung tissue. It also helps replenish glutathione to regulate the neurotransmitter glutamate, involved in a wide range of brain functions, including those associated with aging. NAC may stabilise blood sugar by decreasing inflammation in fat cells and therby improving insulin resistance, increase Nitric Oxide production (NO), and reduce heart disease risk by reducing oxidative damage to tissues in the heart. The boosting of glutathione levels may also improve immune function.
7. Quercetin: (from Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletter, March 16 2023)
"Quercetin, a plant flavanol found naturally in apples, plums, red grapes, green tea, elder flower and onions, packs a powerful anti-viral punch, inhibiting several strains of influenza, hepatitis B and C, and other viruses.
- Quercetin also combats inflammation and acts as a natural antihistamine
- It's antiviral effects can be attributed to three main mechanisms of action: inhibiting the virus' ability to infect cells, inhibiting replication of already infected cells, and reducing infected cells' resistance to treatment with anti viral medication."
Personally, I take 2 x 500mg/day.